

It is said, “It takes beings accomplished in the human way to be accomplished in the Buddha path.”
Those of noble character in the secular world are able to be accomplished in their practice once they cultivate the Buddhadharma.

專輯: Daily Dharma

分類: Sweet Dew

標籤: #Buddhadharma #The Buddha Way



Why do some people suffer from poverty?
Their poverty results from not practicing giving in previous lives. In order to turn poverty into happiness, peacefulness, and blessings, we must give despite being poor. Otherwise, we will be even more impoverished in our next life. The rich practiced the act of giving in their previous lives; however, if they do not continue, there will be no blessings for them in their next life. So, both the rich and the poor must practice giving.

專輯: Daily Dharma

分類: Sweet Dew

標籤: #Blessings and virtues #Buddhist cultivation #Cause and Effects #Cultivate blessings #Giving #Happiness #Peacefulness #Poverty #Wealth



Prajna is like a great and perfect mirror that helps us see through everything clearly. Guided by Prajna wisdom, there will only be pure tranquility and joy in whatever we do; there will be no afflictions.

專輯: Daily Dharma

分類: Sweet Dew

標籤: #Prajna #Venerable Master Miao Lien



Buddhism refers to True Emptiness which is the only truth. It pervades all space and spans all time. Emptiness gives rise to all phenomena. When we say, “Emptiness is not different from form,” it means that all forms arise from Emptiness. The Emptiness that Buddhism refers to is the Emptiness of True Nature. It does not mean nothingness.

專輯: Daily Dharma

分類: Sweet Dew

標籤: #Emptiness #True Nature