

When faced with afflictions, we should chant Amitabha Buddha’s name more often. When there is a disastrous fire, we need to extinguish it with large amounts of water. However, one cup of water will not extinguish a cartload of burning firewood. If our chanting does not bring us joy and tranquility, it is because we have not chanted enough, just like a small amount of water will not extinguish a large fire. If we wish to be happy and free of afflictions, we should constantly chant the name of Amitabha Buddha.

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Afflictions #Amitabha Buddha #Buddha Recitation #Buddhist cultivation #Joy #Tranquility



Why is it that the more you chant the name of the Buddha, the more afflicted you become? It is because you are not truly chanting from your heart. You are still following your secular sentiments, so of course you will experience more afflictions. Please rid yourself of these secular sentiments, and chant the Buddha’s name with a repentant mind. If you keep this up and thereby eradicate your secular attachments, you will gain unspeakable joy.

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Afflictions #Buddha Recitation #Joy #Repentance #Secular mind