

To have Prajna wisdom means: when our Sense Organs come into contact with the Six Dusts—the eyes see form, the ears hear sound, the nose smells scents, the tongue tastes flavor, the body feels touch, and the mind generates thoughts—clearly and distinctly without a single thought of discrimination. It is just like a clear mirror that reflects everything as it is. The saying explains it, “A mountain is shown (to be) a mountain, water shown water.” This means to perceive all persons, matters and objects in a crystal clear manner and avoid giving rise to feelings of like, dislike, joy, or sorrow because of their transient nature.

專輯: Daily Dharma

分類: Master Miao Lien

標籤: #Attachment #Health #Wisdom #Vegetarianism #Peacefulness #Offering #Karmic offenses #Karma #Impermanence #Forbearance #Attaining Buddhahood #Doing good #Cultivating merits and wisdom #Cultivate blessings #Compassion #Cause and Effect #Calm #Blessings and virtues #Avoiding evil #Wisdom and Virtues



As Buddhist disciples, apart from respecting your parents and raising your children, you should also make offerings to the Three Treasures and contribute to temple construction. By doing so, you will help countless sentient beings end the cycle of birth and death, and ultimately realize Buddhahood.

專輯: Daily Dharma

分類: Master Miao Lien

標籤: #Attachment #Health #Wisdom #Vegetarianism #Peacefulness #Offering #Karmic offenses #Karma #Impermanence #Forbearance #Attaining Buddhahood #Doing good #Cultivating merits and wisdom #Cultivate blessings #Compassion #Cause and Effect #Calm #Blessings and virtues #Avoiding evil #Wisdom and Virtues



What is the Buddha Way? What is the secular way? When we violate the Buddhist practices and just apply our secular sentiments in whatever we do, then that is the secular way. On the other hand, if we abide by the Buddhist practices, distance ourselves from secular sentiments, and cultivate pure karma, then that is the Buddha Way.

專輯: Daily Dharma

分類: Master Miao Lien

標籤: #Attachment #Health #Wisdom #Vegetarianism #Peacefulness #Offering #Karmic offenses #Karma #Impermanence #Forbearance #Attaining Buddhahood #Doing good #Cultivating merits and wisdom #Cultivate blessings #Compassion #Cause and Effect #Calm #Blessings and virtues #Avoiding evil #Wisdom and Virtues



Because ordinary people are so affected by hatred and love, they are unable to be impartial. To be unbiased in handling affairs or disputes, familiarity with others and preconceptions of right or wrong must be put aside. Don’t be swayed by emotions. Then you will naturally be impartial and fair in whatever you do.

專輯: Daily Dharma

分類: Master Miao Lien

標籤: #Attachment #Health #Wisdom #Vegetarianism #Peacefulness #Offering #Karmic offenses #Karma #Impermanence #Forbearance #Attaining Buddhahood #Doing good #Cultivating merits and wisdom #Cultivate blessings #Compassion #Cause and Effect #Calm #Blessings and virtues #Avoiding evil #Wisdom and Virtues



There are three sets of Bodhisattva Precepts. First, the restraining precepts, for elimination of all bad behavior. Second, the precepts for cultivating goodness, to accumulate all that is good. Third, the caring precepts, which guide and benefit all sentient beings. The Bodhisattva Precepts are inclusive of all of the Buddhadharma. If all of you can practice the Three Sets of Pure Precepts, you will naturally become a Bodhisattva.

專輯: Daily Dharma

分類: Master Miao Lien

標籤: #Attachment #Health #Wisdom #Vegetarianism #Peacefulness #Offering #Karmic offenses #Karma #Impermanence #Forbearance #Attaining Buddhahood #Doing good #Cultivating merits and wisdom #Cultivate blessings #Compassion #Cause and Effect #Calm #Blessings and virtues #Avoiding evil #Wisdom and Virtues



As for ignorance and Prajna Wisdom, the sutras state: Wisdom and ignorance
are of one body, not two. The mind that is capable of cultivating good or evil, of
abiding or violating the precepts is also one mind, not two.
So what are the
differences? It is in their different functions of being true or deluded. A true mind is pure while a deluded mind is polluted. They are originally one; as long as we can recognize this, we can turn it around. The greatest fear is that we confuse the two.

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Avoiding evil #Wisdom and Virtues