

Up until now you have only heard one precept—the precept against killing which encourages vegetarianism. However, by learning it you have already planted the root to Buddhahood. You learn step by step, beginning with this precept, which lays the foundation for your practice. Upon building the foundation, your effort will come to fruition when the time comes.

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Buddhism #Cause and Effect #The Five Precepts #Vegetarianism



As the Chinese saying goes, “Listen to the elderly to avoid making mistakes.” Similarly, if people don’t listen to the words of the sages, they will definitely suffer serious consequences; they might even end up in the Three Lower Paths. Therefore, they should reflect and take heed.

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Buddhism #Suffering #The Three Realms



People often question the usefulness of Buddhism hidden in the mountains, not realizing that it’s important to first cultivate oneself before helping society. Only then can one truly benefit society and avoid being influenced negatively.

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Buddhism #Cultivating merits and wisdom



In Buddhism, every law has four simple categories. Some things are difficult to understand and do, but can become easier at different times or in different situations. The ease of understanding and doing can depend on the circumstance and the individual.

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Buddhism



Do we really understand the basic nature of birth and death?
In Buddhism, we learn that life arises from our desires and attachments, and ends when the karmic consequences of our actions are exhausted.
This a fundamental concept taught by Buddhist philosophy.

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Buddhism #The cycle of birth and death



Confucians have the “Three Hundred Etiquettes and Three Thousand Protocols.” Buddhists have the “Three Thousand Rules of Deportment and Eighty-thousand Regulations,” and there are even more regulations in the eighty-four thousand Dharma teachings. All these we should learn diligently.

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Buddhism #Dharma



Is your faith in Buddhism based on superstition or wisdom?
If you have faith in Buddhism and you pray to the Buddha for secular blessings such as a bright future with a promising career and great riches, this is a superstitious kind of faith. If you cannot see through secular matters, you have not awakened. How, then, can you escape the suffering of birth and death? Your faith is based on wisdom if you practice Buddhism with the goal of attaining ultimate liberation from the suffering of birth and death.

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Buddhism #Secular mind