

How can ordinary people ever reach such a level? How then do they attain rebirth in the Western Pure Land? By means of utmost sincerity. The Buddhadharma works like this: “A small amount of sincerity yields a small response; a great amount of sincerity yields a great response.” Without sincerity, there will be no response; with utmost sincerity, there will certainly be a response. The response you get is like the sound of a large bell—if you strike it, it rings. If you hit it hard, it rings loudly; if you hit it lightly, the sound will be soft. If you do not hit the bell at all, it will not make any sound. The Law of Cause and Effect works exactly like this; it never fails. What you need to do is cultivate the cause to receive its corresponding effect. You have to believe this.

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Cause and Effect #Sincere cultivation #Western Pure Land



The principle of causality posits that every effect has a corresponding cause.
In the event that the causal factors are insufficient or the temporal context is not propitious, the expected effect may fail to materialize.
Cultivating fruit trees, for example, requires an adequate allotment of time, sufficient power, and propitious conditions, while fertilization and weeding demand careful attention to the circumstances at hand. Such considerations fall within the domain of objective reality and must be thoroughly comprehended.

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Cause and Effect



Karma can be shared or individual. The effect of an action depends on an individual’s karma. For instance, those who have not created negative karma will not suffer its consequences, while those who have will experience its effects.
This is the principle of cause and effect and karmic retribution.

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Cause and Effect #Karma



The ancients said, “Cows drink water and produce milk, while snakes drink water and produce venom.” Although cows and snakes drink the same water, the difference workings of their inherent natures produce different effects. If everything goes smoothly, it is because of the cultivation in past lives.
However, if one encounters numerous unreasonable desires in this life, it is necessary to cultivate more diligently, as this is a matter of karmic cusality.

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Cause and Effect #Karma



Those with wholesome roots, blessings, and virtues work hard at doing good deeds. Likewise, those burdened by negative karma are very diligent in unwholesome karmic activities. Otherwise, how would there be 18 divisions of hells?

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Cause and Effect #Negative Karma #Wholesome deeds



True Nature manifests as human nature in human beings, while it is the Buddha Nature in Buddhas. Both the human nature and the Buddha Nature are of the same essence, which is the True Nature, also known as “True Thusness.” “True” means it is unchanging, and “Thusness” means it manifests according to conditions. What is true is the truth about the Law of Cause and Effect, which not only governs the secular realm but also the supra-mundane. In fact, the Law of Cause and Effect works throughout the Ten Dharma Realms. It is because the True Nature is empty that we see the Law of Cause and Effect at work in all phenomena.

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Cause and Effect #True Nature