

If you have great aspirations that go beyond those of this world, you won’t suffer from emotional attachments. You will be able to lead others to enlightenment. Thus, you must set your aspirations and put them into practice! If you have extraordinary wisdom, you won’t be confused by deluded views and can guide those who lack wisdom. Thus, you must also delve deeply into the Dharma.

專輯: Daily Dharma

分類: Master Miao Lien

標籤: #Calm #Cause and Effects #Compassion #Cultivate blessings #Doing good #Forbearance #Giving #Health #Karma #Kindness #Offering #Vegetarianism #Wisdom



Why do some people suffer from poverty?
Their poverty results from not practicing giving in previous lives. In order to turn poverty into happiness, peacefulness, and blessings, we must give despite being poor. Otherwise, we will be even more impoverished in our next life. The rich practiced the act of giving in their previous lives; however, if they do not continue, there will be no blessings for them in their next life. So, both the rich and the poor must practice giving.

專輯: Daily Dharma

分類: Sweet Dew

標籤: #Blessings and virtues #Buddhist cultivation #Cause and Effects #Cultivate blessings #Giving #Happiness #Peacefulness #Poverty #Wealth



Buddhas and all sentient beings are of the same true nature. Bhikshu Dharmakara was wise; he cultivated and became Amitabha Buddha. We, on the other hand, are victims of our secular cleverness and have converted ourselves into mundane people. What a waste! How pitiful!

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Avoiding evil #Buddhist cultivation #Cause and conditions #Cause and Effects #Emptiness #Giving #Kindness #The Buddha Way #The Great Compassion Mantra #True Nature #Vegetarianism



The empty nature of the universe is what allows infinite planets to come into and out of existence. Because all phenomena undergo arising and cessation, they are impermanent. Although impermanent, the cyclic nature of birth and death grants all phenomena continuity.

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Avoiding evil #Buddhist cultivation #Cause and conditions #Cause and Effects #Emptiness #Giving #Kindness #The Buddha Way #The Great Compassion Mantra #True Nature #Vegetarianism