

As we chant the name of Guan Yin Bodhisattva, we should resolve to be like Guan Yin Bodhisattva: able to be compassionate to all sentient beings and rescue them from suffering. Even though we are now ordinary beings, through compassion we can cease all vice, cultivate all virtues, and work towards becoming like Guan Yin Bodhisattva.

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Blessings and virtues #Buddhist cultivation #Chanting #Guan Yin Bodhisattva



I hope that everyone will continue to chant the Buddha’s name, especially during such times of chaos in the world and unrest in people’s minds. Our practice will bring peace of mind to all people, and nurture our roots of compassion.

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Buddha Recitation #Chanting #Compassion #Secular world



When chanting the Buddha’s name, are we practicing Samadhi?
We reach Samadhi when we chant with single-mindedness. As a sutra states, “If we recite the name of Amitabha Buddha, we are practicing the unsurpassed and profound meditation.” The Zen school of meditation is one method of reaching meditative concentration; chanting the Buddha’s name with single-mindedness enables one to attain real Samadhi.

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Amitabha Buddha #Chanting #Samadhi



As to the effects of chanting the Buddha’s name, in fact each and every chant is responsive! Eliminating karmic hindrances is an extraordinarily great response. Once our karmic hindrances are eliminated, we will be liberated from our suffering; that is the great compassion of the Bodhisattvas. When we are free of suffering, we will immediately feel ease and happiness; that is the loving-kindness of the Buddha.

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Bodhisattva #Chanting #Karmic hindrances



How can you eradicate disaster and suffering without spending a dime?
One chant of the Buddha’s name can eradicate your negative karma accumulated over eight billion kalpas. If you have karmic hindrances, you should persistently chant the name of Amitabha Buddha. If you encounter difficulties, you should chant the name of Guan Yin Bodhisattva, the rescuer of those in suffering and hardship, who will come to your aid. All you have to do is chant single-mindedly.

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Chanting



The Amitabha Sutra is an important sutra in Pure Land sect. The essence of this sutra is to chant the sacred name of Amitabha Buddha persistently. A chant of the Buddha’s name can eradicate the heavy sins committed in the past eight billion kalpas. Chanting the Buddha’s name can eliminate the sins as numerous as the grains of sand in the river. The sacred name of Amitabha Buddha embodies the Four Embracing Virtues, the Six Paramitas and myriads of good deeds. Unlimited merits are concentrated in this Buddha's name.

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Amitabha Buddha #Chanting #Four All-Embracing Virtues #Six Paramitas



The level of your Buddha Recitation determines where you will be reborn in the Western Pure Land. If you achieve single-mindedness in the practice of chanting the Buddha’s name, you will go to the Land of Expedient Liberation. If you attain single-mindedness of understanding, you will go to the Land Adorned with Real Rewards. Buddhas dwell in the Land of Perpetual Peace and Light. If you are firm in your faith, but have not attained single-mindedness, you will go to the Common Residence Land shared by sages and ordinary people. So, as long as your belief is firm enough and you chant the Buddha’s name with utmost sincerity, rebirth in the Pure Land is guaranteed. Attaining single-mindedness is not a prerequisite for rebirth there.

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Buddha Recitation #Chanting



Always introduce them to the method of chanting the Buddha’s name and seeking rebirth in the Western Pure Land. If they study further in the Pure Land, there will be no limit to the kinds of wisdom they can gain. By that time, All Wisdom and Wisdom in All Modes will be perfected.

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Chanting #Western Pure Land



Do not think that chanting and prostrating are forms of sufferings, for you should know that no suffering is greater than that of illnesses.
Do you fear the agony of illness? If so, then you should make the most of your time when you are healthy and cultivate with diligence, call forth your fear of illness and cultivate with vigor. Once you are on the path of liberation, your negative karma will be eliminated, and you will no longer be tormented by the sufferings of poor health.

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Chanting #Cultivate blessings #Negative Karma #Prostration