

What is the mind of great compassion? It is our conscience. What is a Buddha? The mind is Buddha. Buddha is the mind—our conscience. It is the starting point of our journey towards Buddhahood. Cultivate myriad good deeds until you can bring forth great compassion. That’s when you can achieve Buddhahood.

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Attaining Buddhahood #Cultivate blessings #Doing good



In order to do well in your self-cultivation, you need the right supporting conditions. That is why you need to build up your virtuous roots, blessings, and virtues by supporting the Three Treasures, as well as helping to build and protect monasteries. When you cultivate, you should also hope that others will have the opportunity to cultivate. By doing so, you will accumulate merits and virtues. When you become accomplished in your merits and virtues, you will eventually perfect your blessings and wisdom.

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Cultivate blessings #Temple Construction #Three Treasures



When you help others, you are benefiting yourself as well. This is why you should not ask for appreciation; rather, you should be grateful. If there were no one you could help, there would be no way for you to cultivate blessings and wisdom.

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Cultivate blessings



Do not think that chanting and prostrating are forms of sufferings, for you should know that no suffering is greater than that of illnesses.
Do you fear the agony of illness? If so, then you should make the most of your time when you are healthy and cultivate with diligence, call forth your fear of illness and cultivate with vigor. Once you are on the path of liberation, your negative karma will be eliminated, and you will no longer be tormented by the sufferings of poor health.

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Chanting #Cultivate blessings #Negative Karma #Prostration



Cultivators should be able to practice in both active and quiet environments. If you only like quietness and fear activeness, how then could you participate in an active environment for big Dharma events to draw in many sentient beings? If you only like activeness and fear quietness, how then could you attain the stillness of Samadhi and achieve the concentration and wisdom that lead you to liberation? You should make use of both means. Don’t dread the solitude when it’s quiet; use it effectively to cultivate and build your meritorious virtues. Likewise, don’t become irritated when you are in an active environment; use it effectively to benefit others and build your blessings and wisdom.

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Cultivate blessings