

You need to have blessings and wisdom for both self-cultivation and benefiting others. Without blessings and wisdom, you can’t succeed in self-cultivation, let alone benefit others. We mundane people lack both blessings and wisdom, so we must rely on the loving kindness and compassion of the Buddha to bestow us blessings and wisdom so that we can succeed in self-cultivation and benefiting others. That being said, it won’t do if we do not work hard ourselves!

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Buddha Recitation #Dedication and perseverance #Doing good #Giving #Karma #Offering #Upholding precepts #Vegetarianism



If your financial situation does not allow you to give, you can rejoice and praise others when they do so. Thus you will also obtain the merit of giving.
If you have deeper roots of goodness, blessings, and virtues, you will think, “This is such a good cause! I have no money, but I can encourage my family and friends to give!” Do this with dedicated enthusiasm and you will cultivate great blessings.

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Buddha Recitation #Dedication and perseverance #Doing good #Giving #Karma #Offering #Upholding precepts #Vegetarianism