

By reciting Mahayana sutras to eliminate your karmic hindrances, it won’t be very difficult to uphold the precepts. Without reducing your karmic hindrances, it will be difficult to uphold the precepts. You only know that you have to eat to nourish your physical body, but you should know that it’s even more important to nourish your Dharma Body by reciting Mahayana sutras.

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Avoiding evil #Compassion #Diligence #Doing good #Giving #Impermanence #Kindness #Prosperity #Repentance #Upholding precepts



By Venerable Master Tze Cheng
In Bodhisattva practice, we need to observe that living beings are inherently pure in nature; it is their false thoughts drive them to act in such a way. By thinking in this way, we nurture our mind of great compassion. We will not forsake any living beings, because we understand that all living beings have karmic obstacles. We will not be afflicted by, or form attachments to, phenomenal appearances. Consequently, we will achieve effortless self-mastery in our Bodhisattva practice.

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Avoiding evil #Compassion #Diligence #Doing good #Giving #Impermanence #Kindness #Prosperity #Repentance #Upholding precepts



We need to have wisdom to cultivate blessings and virtue. Seeking both blessings and wisdom simultaneously is the key to doing this. Someone who has only one of either blessings or wisdom can be likened to a bicycle which has only one wheel or has one wheel that is bigger than the other. If this is the case, it would be difficult to move forward. Hence, we must cultivate blessings and wisdom equally and simultaneously so that we can use them freely.

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Avoiding evil #Compassion #Diligence #Doing good #Giving #Impermanence #Kindness #Prosperity #Repentance #Upholding precepts



Lay practitioners should incorporate Buddhist principles in their family life and practice Buddhism in their daily life. They should perform morning and evening services. Don’t wallow in mundane fantasies like people who don’t practice Buddhism. There's no need to worry about not having enough time as long as you don’t slack off.

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Avoiding evil #Compassion #Diligence #Doing good #Giving #Impermanence #Kindness #Prosperity #Repentance #Upholding precepts



Misfortunes are the results of our karmic offenses, so we must frequently repent and prostrate to the Buddhas in order to remove these karmic obstacles. Once they are gone, your blessings will come, and your wishes will be fulfilled. You must pay attention to eliminating your karmic offenses and not committing any new ones!

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Avoiding evil #Compassion #Diligence #Doing good #Giving #Impermanence #Kindness #Prosperity #Repentance #Upholding precepts