

The Buddha also teaches that once we become rich, we must actively give back to help the poor. Wherever there are people in need, we give our help. Giving seems to benefit others, but in fact, it is like farmers sowing seeds in a field, which will lead to harvests. Our contributions are seeds sown into the field of merits and virtues. If we want to have peacefulness, comfort and wealth, we must give.

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Buddha Recitation #Cultivating merits and wisdom #Dharma #Diligence #Enlightenment #Giving #Prostration #Upholding precepts



“One moment of meditation can be greater than the making of seven-jewel stupas that are as numerous as the sand grains of a river. The stupas will decay away, but one moment of stillness can lead the mind to enlightenment.”
Deep concentration comes from meditation. So without meditation as the foundation of your practice, how can you ever achieve deep concentration?

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Buddha Recitation #Cultivating merits and wisdom #Dharma #Diligence #Enlightenment #Giving #Prostration #Upholding precepts



The Buddhadharma is superior knowledge; therefore, we must hold on to it with unwavering courage. We must not allow others to slander Buddhism and speak of unorthodox teachings, nor shall we allow their incorrect ideologies to influence others. The truth is not alloyed with emotion; otherwise it would not be the truth. The Buddhadharma is the truth as it is the only dharma that allows all beings to attain enlightenment. This is something secular dharma cannot do.

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Buddhadharma #Dharma #Enlightenment #Venerable Master Miao Lien



“A room that has been in darkness for ages can be brightened with a single light.” The foolishness, ignorance, darkness, and confusion of sentient beings can be transformed into enlightened awareness simply by chanting the name of the Buddha. Even if our minds are scattered, the immeasurable light of the Buddha shines on us and converts our ignorance into enlightenment. It is like touching a stone and turning it into gold.

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Enlightenment