

If a family does good deeds, the rewards will be felt in the generations to come. If the parents truly love their children, they should spend their money on donations or other good charitable deeds. This will save the children from adversities and allow them to gain blessings. This is truly benefiting the children, leaving them with the fortune of merits, which other people can never take away.

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Blessings and virtues #Charitable deeds #Cultivate blessings #Doing good #Fortune of merits #Giving #Good fortune



Being wealthy is the fruition; giving is the cause. If you don’t practice giving, how can you become wealthy? To practice giving doesn’t mean you have to give away one million or ten million; you can start by giving, say, a dollar. The great blessing of wealth comes from the accumulation of giving tiny amounts bit by bit, just like the water in the ocean is sourced from numerous rivers and streams.

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Buddhist cultivation #Cause and Effect #Cultivate blessings #Cultivating merits and wisdom #Giving #Wealth



When you are mindful of the Buddha in the Saha World, your lotus flower will grow from the Pond of Eight Virtues in the Western Pure Land. I hope that you work more diligently so that your lotus flower will grow exceptionally well. As long as you continue to chant the Buddha’s name continuously, the flower will grow bigger and bigger and its color will become brighter and brighter.

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Buddha Recitation #Compassion #Forbearance #Giving #Health #Upholding precepts #Vegetarianism



People who chant the name of Amitabha Buddha set this practice as their main form of cultivation. The emphasis is on having faith and aspiring for rebirth in the Western Pure Land. Only when you reach this place can you perfect your blessings and wisdom, becoming truly capable of delivering all others. Chant the name of Guan Yin Bodhisattva to assist your cultivation as well; pray for your present obstacles to be eliminated and for your path of cultivation to be free of hindrances.

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Buddha Recitation #Compassion #Forbearance #Giving #Health #Upholding precepts #Vegetarianism