

They say, “Everything prospers in a harmonious family,” and “When brothers act together, even the dirt in front of the house turns to gold, but when brothers disagree, the family’s gold turns to dust.” If there is no harmony, good things disappear and bad things accumulate.

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Harmonious family #Prosperity



We are like birds in the same forest, and when our last moment comes, we go our separate ways according to our own karma. If you truly love your children, wish your family to be good, and want to be free from the suffering of being apart from your loved ones, you should seize the chance to give them wise advice while you are still affectionate to each other. You should tell them, “Believe in and learn Buddhism, and diligently chant the Buddha’s name so that we can be reborn in the Western Pure Land together in the future.”

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Buddha Recitation #Harmonious family #Karma #Suffering



We should be mindful of the kindness of our parents who raise us. They shower us with great care and love - holding us in their arms, cuddling, and nurturing us. They brave danger for the sake of our safety and well-being.
As we grow up, our parents instruct us on benevolence and propriety, help us groom before we approach our teacher, and have aspirations for us that we be well-versed in the teachings of sages. In every thought, they wish for us to excel and become outstanding. They provide for all our needs, readily sacrificing the family's treasures. Constantly thinking and worrying about us, they sometimes cannot sleep peacefully and even fall sick.
It is the most profound kindness in the world, second to none. Thus the Buddha said, "Nothing in the world can compare to our parents' kindness."

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Harmonious family #Kindness