

Everything has an order of occurrence—cause, time, and effect. This is a golden principle in Buddhism. Don’t try to rush things, as things done in haste often fall short of the preset goal; things will naturally ripen when the time comes. But if you do not have the proper causes and conditions, the desired effect won’t come regardless of how much time has passed. You must know this.

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Avoiding evil #Buddhist cultivation #Cause and conditions #Cause and Effects #Emptiness #Giving #Kindness #The Buddha Way #The Great Compassion Mantra #True Nature #Vegetarianism



They are the same for both the secular world and beyond. In the secular world, some of us follow the teachings of Confucius and Mencius, which is the Way of the Sages. Beyond the secular world, we follow the Way of the Buddhadharma. Without perfecting the Human Way, the Way of the Buddhadharma will be beyond reach.

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Avoiding evil #Buddhist cultivation #Cause and conditions #Cause and Effects #Emptiness #Giving #Kindness #The Buddha Way #The Great Compassion Mantra #True Nature #Vegetarianism



Cause and effect: you must first plant a good cause to give yourself a good effect. Response: you must first act with sincerity before the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas will give you the response you wish for. You can’t clap with just one hand to produce any sound. Similarly, you must have faith and be relentless in your cultivation in order to receive the desired effect!

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Avoiding evil #Buddhist cultivation #Cause and conditions #Cause and Effects #Emptiness #Giving #Kindness #The Buddha Way #The Great Compassion Mantra #True Nature #Vegetarianism



We see waves on the sea because wind blows on it. Without wind, there are no waves.
If we can get rid of the wind of ignorance, we can resume the true nature of no substance.
With pure mind and right conduct, we can perfect our blessings and wisdom and attain Buddhahood.

專輯: Daily Dharma

分類: Master Miao Lien

標籤: #Buddhist cultivation #Calm #Cause and Effects #Compassion #Doing good #Emptiness #Giving #Kindness #The Buddha Way #The Great Compassion Mantra #Transferring merits #True Nature #Vegetarianism



Breaking the precepts of killing and stealing will not only make others suffer and the world not be in peace, but you will also suffer. In fact, although those whom you offend also suffer, the one who will suffer the most is you yourself, as you have to bear the retribution of killing and stealing. If one person practices Buddhism, that person will enjoy peacefulness; if everyone can practice Buddhism, the world will be at peace.

專輯: Daily Dharma

分類: Master Miao Lien

標籤: #Buddhist cultivation #Calm #Cause and Effects #Compassion #Doing good #Emptiness #Giving #Kindness #The Buddha Way #The Great Compassion Mantra #Transferring merits #True Nature #Vegetarianism



“Amitabha” is also Sanskrit, meaning “infinite light and infinite life.” Amitabha Buddha’s sacred name embodies the virtues of infinite light and infinite life. It originates from his great compassionate cultivation of blessings, wisdom, the Four All-Embracing Virtues, and Six Paramitas over innumerable billions of kalpas.

專輯: Daily Dharma

分類: Master Miao Lien

標籤: #Buddhist cultivation #Calm #Cause and Effects #Compassion #Doing good #Emptiness #Giving #Kindness #The Buddha Way #The Great Compassion Mantra #Transferring merits #True Nature #Vegetarianism