

Prajna is like a great and perfect mirror that helps us see through everything clearly. Guided by Prajna wisdom, there will only be pure tranquility and joy in whatever we do; there will be no afflictions.

專輯: Daily Dharma

分類: Sweet Dew

標籤: #Prajna #Venerable Master Miao Lien



The sixth Paramita is Prajna. Prajna has no physical shape or form and cannot be touched or seen. This is the essence of True Nature. Even though it cannot be seen or touched, it still exists. The first five of the Six Paramitas are at the phenomenal level, while the last one is at the noumenal level.

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Prajna #Six Paramitas #True Nature



Patriarch Yin Kuang believes that understanding one’s True Nature only takes you one step toward enlightenment. The ability to perceive one’s True Nature means you truly understand it. However, you still have to practice the Way to attain any fruition. If you practice in accordance with your True Nature, you will attain enlightenment. As the saying goes: “Cultivation reveals one’s True Nature, but true cultivation depends on a pure mind.” This is the only way to attain the Dharma of Prajna.

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Buddhist cultivation #Patriach Yin Kuang #Prajna #The Buddha Way #True Nature



What is Prajna wisdom?
It involves the six sense organs and the corresponding six dusts: seeing forms with the eyes, hearing sounds with the ears, etc. Prajna wisdom is when these sensory perceptions are clear, yet one is not moved by them and the mind does not make distinctions. Analogously, a mirror can create a reflection of all things, whether they are mountains or water. As they come and go, their reflections also come and go. It is the same with people and all phenomena. A person with Prajna wisdom perceives them clearly, but their coming and going will not cause this person to give rise to hatred, love, suffering or joy.

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Prajna