

They say, “Everything prospers in a harmonious family,” and “When brothers act together, even the dirt in front of the house turns to gold, but when brothers disagree, the family’s gold turns to dust.” If there is no harmony, good things disappear and bad things accumulate.

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Harmonious family #Prosperity



If you want to obtain liberation and attain Nirvana, you must refrain from all unwholesome deeds. Otherwise, for every bad deed you do, you will be bound by its retribution. So, if you want to liberate your body and mind and be free from all constraints, you have to uphold the precepts thoroughly. Foolish people only know that it’s painful to uphold the precepts, but they don’t know that breaking the precepts is even more painful overall.

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Buddha Recitation #Cultivating merits and wisdom #Giving #Prosperity #Upholding precepts #Vegetarianism



The body is the source of all suffering.
Not having a body is the means to resolve suffering. It is impossible to have a body and be free from suffering. This is why the Buddha asks us to uphold the precept of no sexual conduct so as to stay away from the cause of birth which is lust. Without birth, there will be no aging, no sickness, and no death; we will then be free from all kinds of suffering forever.

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Buddha Recitation #Cultivating merits and wisdom #Giving #Prosperity #Upholding precepts #Vegetarianism



The Venerable Master wants sentient beings to plant more virtuous roots and cultivate more blessings under the protection of Three Treasures. By building a Main Buddha Hall, Recitation Hall, and dormitories, how many virtuous practitioners have been able to come and cultivate the Way! How could the people who contributed toward these virtuous deeds not be rewarded with blessings?

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Buddha Recitation #Cultivating merits and wisdom #Giving #Prosperity #Upholding precepts #Vegetarianism