

How should a talented and capable person handle worldly matters?
Even if you are a highly capable person, you should act as if you’re dull-witted so as to maintain peace around you. When others are fighting for a task, try to step back and concede to others as a way to practice giving and to cultivate blessings!

專輯: Daily Dharma

分類: Master Miao Lien

標籤: #Buddhist cultivation #Calm #Cause and Effect #Compassion #Contentment #Diligence #Doing good #Forbearance #Karma #Offering #Prostration #Wisdom



Perfecting the Three Enlightenments to Become a Buddha
The significance of Enlightenment contains three aspects. Only Buddhas have fulfilled the Three Enlightenments: self-enlightenment, enlightenment of others, and perfect enlightenment. The Three Enlightenments embody not only infinite wisdom, but also perfect blessings and virtues.

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Buddha Recitation #Cultivating merits and wisdom #Dharma #Diligence #Enlightenment #Giving #Prostration #Upholding precepts