

Facilitate the temple construction with utmost sincerity
We can cultivate with our mouths; we can also cultivate with our minds. The Buddhadharma states that everything originates from the mind. You might not have the physical strength or monetary wealth, and you might not have time to cultivate, but you are able to contribute mental effort. Mental effort is the true source which will facilitate all causes and conditions; as long as you bring forth genuine, utmost sincerity, you will succeed. Realizing Buddhahood depends on making a single determination with utmost sincerity. You might think that realizing Buddhahood is the most difficult. If one single determination, made with utmost sincerity, can lead to the realization of Buddhahood, it is certainly possible to accomplish a monastery by making a single determination with utmost sincerity as well.

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Buddhadharma #Buddhahood #Buddhist cultivation #Cultivate blessings #Sincere cultivation #Temple Construction



Great Bodhisattvas make great determinations; I hope that we will make small determinations. Do not feel embarrassed; large airplanes and ships cannot be missing a tiny screw. Don’t say that you do not have a lot of money. Your sincere contribution yields inconceivable merits! I hope that everyone will do what they can in this.

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Bodhisattva #Cultivating merits and wisdom #Sincere cultivation



How can ordinary people ever reach such a level? How then do they attain rebirth in the Western Pure Land? By means of utmost sincerity. The Buddhadharma works like this: “A small amount of sincerity yields a small response; a great amount of sincerity yields a great response.” Without sincerity, there will be no response; with utmost sincerity, there will certainly be a response. The response you get is like the sound of a large bell—if you strike it, it rings. If you hit it hard, it rings loudly; if you hit it lightly, the sound will be soft. If you do not hit the bell at all, it will not make any sound. The Law of Cause and Effect works exactly like this; it never fails. What you need to do is cultivate the cause to receive its corresponding effect. You have to believe this.

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Cause and Effect #Sincere cultivation #Western Pure Land