

Without forbearance, it would be even more difficult to uphold precepts or to practice giving. We must learn to endure hardships in order to accomplish our cultivation and attain Buddhahood. Only when we have perfected forbearance are we able to attain liberation and Nirvana.

專輯: Daily Dharma

分類: Master Miao Lien

標籤: #Cause and Effect #Compassion #Cultivate blessings #Cultivating merits and wisdom #Doing good #Forbearance #Health #Karma #Offering #Six paths of birth and death #The Five Precepts #Transferring merits #Vegetarianism #Wisdom



Respect your parents by not eating meat
In the past, our relatives ate cows and sheep, and were reborn as cows and sheep to be eaten by human beings. If our parents and teachers over the past have yet to be liberated from transmigration in the Six Paths, then they might be those cows and sheep cooking in the pot today. If you respect your parents, and know that all sentient beings are our parents of the past, you will not bear to eat animal flesh anymore.

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Cause and Effect #Karma #Six paths of birth and death #Vegetarianism



To take refuge in the Three Treasures is the first step of practicing Buddhism. You should practice according to the Buddha’s teachings! Doing so will liberate you from endless sufferings. What’s more, infinite Dharma joy and wealth of meritorious virtues are waiting for you. You will also be able to transcend the human and heavenly realms, be free from the suffering of transmigration in the Six Paths.

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Buddhist cultivation #Dharma #Eradicate karma #Refuge in the Three Treasures #Six paths of birth and death #Suffering