

As the Chinese saying goes, “Listen to the elderly to avoid making mistakes.” Similarly, if people don’t listen to the words of the sages, they will definitely suffer serious consequences; they might even end up in the Three Lower Paths. Therefore, they should reflect and take heed.

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Buddhism #Suffering #The Three Realms



We are like birds in the same forest, and when our last moment comes, we go our separate ways according to our own karma. If you truly love your children, wish your family to be good, and want to be free from the suffering of being apart from your loved ones, you should seize the chance to give them wise advice while you are still affectionate to each other. You should tell them, “Believe in and learn Buddhism, and diligently chant the Buddha’s name so that we can be reborn in the Western Pure Land together in the future.”

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Buddha Recitation #Harmonious family #Karma #Suffering



How do you define a competent person?
Competent people are those who are experienced and skilled in their cultivation. Before their death, they don’t suffer from illness and they are free from twisted thoughts. They are the masters of their birth and death.

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Cultivating merits and wisdom #Suffering



Don’t dwell on insignificant mundane happiness because it is only an illusion. This Sutra compares mundane happiness to honey on the sharp edge of a knife. It is not enough for a meal, but children will lick it and slice their tongue. Are there still things in this world that you have not seen through or had enough of? Why are you still unable to let it go? Have you not tasted enough already? Have you not suffered enough?

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Happiness #Suffering