

Eating the vegetables alongside the meat

You may say, “It is inconvenient to be vegetarian!” If that is the case, then you can be expediently vegetarian. What does that mean?
When you dine out, the circumstances might prevent you from being purely vegetarian, so you do not need to request separate vegetarian food and clean utensils.
You can simply eat the vegetables alongside the meat—not the meat alongside the vegetables! Can you maintain your compassion?

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Buddha Recitation #Cultivating merits and wisdom #Giving #Prosperity #Upholding precepts #Vegetarianism



If you aspire to perfect your blessings and wisdom, you must follow the precepts. This applies equally to the desire to be rid of suffering. There are eighty-four thousand methods of cultivation in Buddhism, and all can be summarized thus: “Refrain from all wrongdoing and cultivate virtue.” This essence can be further condensed into a single word: “precepts.” So long as you give up lazy, unwholesome behavior and diligently cultivate virtue, you will certainly become both blessed and wise. With these qualities, others will respect you—how dignified you will be!

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Buddha Recitation #Cultivating merits and wisdom #Giving #Prosperity #Upholding precepts #Vegetarianism



The Buddhadharma contains excellent teachings of the truth. When we practice Buddhism, we should read Buddhist sutras with the energy that we use when reading novels. We should use the time we watch television to chant the Buddha’s name and prostrate to the Buddha. Cultivating that way is sufficient, so how can you still say that you don’t have time to cultivate?

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Buddha Recitation #Dedication and perseverance #Doing good #Giving #Karma #Offering #Upholding precepts #Vegetarianism



You need to have blessings and wisdom for both self-cultivation and benefiting others. Without blessings and wisdom, you can’t succeed in self-cultivation, let alone benefit others. We mundane people lack both blessings and wisdom, so we must rely on the loving kindness and compassion of the Buddha to bestow us blessings and wisdom so that we can succeed in self-cultivation and benefiting others. That being said, it won’t do if we do not work hard ourselves!

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Buddha Recitation #Dedication and perseverance #Doing good #Giving #Karma #Offering #Upholding precepts #Vegetarianism



If your financial situation does not allow you to give, you can rejoice and praise others when they do so. Thus you will also obtain the merit of giving.
If you have deeper roots of goodness, blessings, and virtues, you will think, “This is such a good cause! I have no money, but I can encourage my family and friends to give!” Do this with dedicated enthusiasm and you will cultivate great blessings.

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Buddha Recitation #Dedication and perseverance #Doing good #Giving #Karma #Offering #Upholding precepts #Vegetarianism