Methods For Epidemic Prevention



Blessings, wisdom, health, and longevity are all contained within a vegetarian diet. Save up your money and print books promoting the benefits of vegetarianism, letting people know about the benefits of a vegetarian diet. This is self-cultivation and guiding others in their cultivation, leading everyone to happiness.

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Buddhist cultivation #Cultivate blessings #Cultivating merits and wisdom #Happiness #Health #Longevity #Vegetarianism #Wisdom



One little soybean makes a lot of soy milk. It gets turned into tofu which is white and juicy. You can fry it, deep-fry it, boil it and it all tastes good. Why kill pigs and slaughter cows and sheep? Mad cow disease epidemic, Swine influenza, SARS… For your own safety, be vegetarian. Even the rarest seafood cannot compare.

專輯: Daily Dharma

分類: Master Miao Lien

標籤: #Calm #Cause and Effect #Compassion #Cultivate blessings #Cultivating merits and wisdom #Doing good #Forbearance #Giving #Karma #Offering #Sincere cultivation #Suffering #Vegetarianism #Wisdom



White rice or brown rice—which is more nutritious? A meat-based or plant-based diet—which is healthier? I hope that all you wise people will think about this carefully! Show kindness with your mouth by being vegetarian; by doing so, all lives will be lengthened. Acting in accord with the Buddha’s mind will bring you good children and grandchildren. You will enjoy eternal auspiciousness and prosperity.

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Calm #Cause and Effects #Compassion #Cultivate blessings #Cultivating merits and wisdom #Dharma #Doing good #Forbearance #Giving #Karma #Offering #The Five Precepts #Vegetarianism #Wholesome deeds #Wisdom



Those who understand the art of speaking bring joy to others with their words. Everything they say not only benefits others, but also nurtures their Dharma Body and Wisdom Life. Those who speak with an unkind heart will not only create negative karma but will also cause people to regress on their Bodhi Path. In the future, their negative karma will produce muteness. How pitiful!

專輯: Daily Dharma

分類: Master Miao Lien

標籤: #Calm #Cause and Effects #Compassion #Cultivate blessings #Doing good #Forbearance #Giving #Health #Karma #Kindness #Offering #Vegetarianism #Wisdom