Our Contact Info

Opening Hours Welcome to Lingyen Mountain Temple. Feel free to offer incense and pray at the gazebo in the courtyard or visit the Main Buddha Hall during the regular opening hours: 8:30AM to 5:00PM.  
  • Monday:
    closed for monastic self-study sessions
  • Tuesday to Saturday:
    8:30AM to 5:00PM
  • Dharma Services:
    8:00AM to 9:30PM
  • Tel:
    +1 604 271-0009
  • Fax:
    +1 604 271-3890
  • Email:
  • Address:
    10060 No. 5 Road, Richmond BC V7A 4E5
  • Virtual Contact File (vCard)
  • Plaque & Donation set-up inquiries: [email protected]
  • Contact Info QR Code