Slider #2 短期出家 Eng

Slider #5 靈巖供僧 Eng

Lingyen Mountain Temple’s 21st Anniversary Aranya Offering to the Sangha Event

  • Date:
    From now to Wednesday, September 2nd, 2020 09:30pm +Calendar +Google Calendar
  • Calendar:
  • Live Retreat:
  • Introduction:
  • Download:
  • Descriptions:
    The final Dedication of Merits will be held during the Ullambana Offering Ceremony
    September 6, 2020
    Live Stream

    You are welcome to make meal offerings and offerings to the Three Treasures to accumulate merits and sow seeds in the field of blessings.

    In compliance with the government’s preventative measures, the Grand Offering to the Buddha and Sangha Ceremony scheduled for September 12 has been changed to the Aranya Offering to the Sangha Event

    • On September 6, starting at 9:00AM, the final Dedication of Merits will be held during the Ullambana Offering Ceremony
    • We will recite the Ullambana Sutra, Sutra in Praise of the Merits of the Sangha, and hold a Grand Offering before the Buddhas Ceremony
    • We will dedicate the merits to the transcendence of our deceased parents, including those from previous lives, and the everlasting health of our living parents
    • We will also dedicate the merits to the prompt elimination of the pandemic. May people’s minds be at ease, and the world be at peace.
    • All offerings collected for this event will be evenly distributed to all the participating Dharma Masters in the Greater Vancouver area.
    • Please make your offering before September 2, 2020 (the final day of the Summer Retreat)

    How to make your offering to the Sangha? Credit card, cheque, cash or bank transfer


The Compassionate Samadhi Water Repentance Dharma Service


Slider #1 恭誦藥師經 Eng

Venerable “Not Poor” Aniruddha – Buddhist Stories Vol 5

The Arhat and The Fragrant Elephant – Buddhist Stories Vol 4

The Story of the Father and His Son – Buddhist Stories Vol 3