7-Day Amitabha Chanting Retreat

  • Date:
    Tuesday – Monday, December 19th – 25th, 2023
  • Descriptions:
    Buddhadharma is a Dharma of the mind and is our innate treasure. As long as you diligently chant the Buddha’s name, and let go of worldly desires and wandering thoughts, your mind will be tranquil, and your wisdom will naturally shine through.

    Report Chanting Hours
    Report Chanting Hours

    Choose one of the methods below to set up your plaques:
    1. Download and fill out the form, and send us the filled form by email, text message(SMS), or fax, then call us at 604-271-0009
    2. Interac e-Transfer (Please call us at 604-271-0009 before transfer)
      • Log in to your online or mobile banking app and look for the option to send an Interac e-transfer.
      • You will receive a confirmation email or message from your bank.
      • Forward the confirmation message to [email protected], and attach the filled form (PDF or JPG file)
    3. Go to Online donation below


Amitabha Chanting Retreat

Refuge Taking Ceremony

  • Date:
    Sunday, November 5th, 2023 01:30pm – 02:30pm
  • Descriptions:
    Registration Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1egQexjti0YneB8XIZKjpF4953EE54kaxfT4uOuZeQO4/edit

    Choose one of the methods below to set up your plaques:
    1. Download and fill out the form, and send us the filled form by email, text message(SMS), or fax, then call us at 604-271-0009
    2. Interac e-Transfer (Please call us at 604-271-0009 before transfer)
      • Log in to your online or mobile banking app and look for the option to send an Interac e-transfer.
      • You will receive a confirmation email or message from your bank.
      • Forward the confirmation message to [email protected], and attach the filled form (PDF or JPG file)
    3. Go to Online donation page



    • Date:
      Saturday, July 15th – Saturday, September 2nd, 2023 Every Saturday
    • Descriptions:
      Every Saturday From 6:30pm-8:30pm
      Please bring your own food container. Peace noodles will be provided after pilgrimage.

      Choose one of the methods below to set up your plaques:
      1. Download and fill out the form, and send us the filled form by email, text message(SMS), or fax, then call us at 604-271-0009
      2. Interac e-Transfer (Please call us at 604-271-0009 before transfer)
        • Log in to your online or mobile banking app and look for the option to send an Interac e-transfer.
        • You will receive a confirmation email or message from your bank.
        • Forward the confirmation message to [email protected], and attach the filled form (PDF or JPG file)
      3. Go to Online donation page



      • 活動日期:
        2023年7月15日星期六 ~ 9月2日星期六 每週六
      • 活動內容:
        時 間|每周六6:30pm~8:30pm
        注意事項|請攜帶環保餐盒, 朝山結束後有平安麵與大家結緣。

        1. 下載並填寫功德表,用底下任一方式回傳後連絡本寺 604-271-0009
        2. 電郵匯款 Interac e-Transfer (匯款前請先打電話與本寺聯繫 604-271-0009 以方便作業)
          • 登入您的網路銀行操作 Interac e-transfer
          • 完成後,您的電郵信箱會收到銀行發出的確認信或是顯示確認訊息在螢幕上
          • 轉寄此確認訊息至 [email protected] 並夾帶下載填寫後之功德表單(PDF 或 JPG 圖檔)
        3. 進入線上功德捐款辦理
        • 農曆活動日期:
          農曆五月廿八星期六 ~ 七月十八星期六 每週六


        The Great Compassion Dharma Service

        • Date:
          Monday, July 31st – Sunday, August 6th, 2023
        • Descriptions:
          To celebrate the anniversary of the enlightenment of Guan Yin Bodhisattva, we will hold a 7-day service, intensively chanting the Great Compassion Mantra.

          Choose one of the methods below to set up your plaques:
          1. Download and fill out the form, and send us the filled form by email, text message(SMS), or fax, then call us at 604-271-0009
          2. Interac e-Transfer (Please call us at 604-271-0009 before transfer)
            • Log in to your online or mobile banking app and look for the option to send an Interac e-transfer.
            • You will receive a confirmation email or message from your bank.
            • Forward the confirmation message to [email protected], and attach the filled form (PDF or JPG file)
          3. Go to Online donation below


        Great Compassion Dharma Service

        Minister of Multiculturalism and Members of Parliament visited Lingyen Mountain Temple

        On March 13, 2023, Ahmed Hussen, Minister of Multiculturalism for the Canadian federal government, Members of Parliament Parm Bain and Wilson Miao, visited various religious organizations on Number 5 Road in Richmond, also known as the “Highway to Heaven.” They arrived at the Lingyen Mountain Temple at noon, where they prayed and offer the incense in the Main Buddha Hall. Through this experience, they gained a deep understanding of the importance of Buddhism and recognized the long-term contributions of Lingyen Mountain Temple to the community and multicultural society. The Minister and Members of Parliament also showed great concern for the progress of the temple’s third phase construction project, hoping that their visit would bring more opportunities and resources to the community and inject more power into promoting Buddhist culture.


        • Date:
          Monday, June 26th – Sunday, July 2nd, 2023
        • Descriptions:

          The extraordinary merit and virtue of this service universally benefits both the living and the deceased. We have respectfully invited greatly virtuous Venerable Masters to preside over the Dharma Service. The temple’s Sangha assembly will also lead the participants in sutra recitation and repentance services.

          Choose one of the methods below to set up your plaques:
          1. Download and fill out the form, and send us the filled form by email, text message(SMS), or fax, then call us at 604-271-0009
          2. Interac e-Transfer (Please call us at 604-271-0009 before transfer)
            • Log in to your online or mobile banking app and look for the option to send an Interac e-transfer.
            • You will receive a confirmation email or message from your bank.
            • Forward the confirmation message to [email protected], and attach the filled form (PDF or JPG file)
          3. Go to Online donation below


        Water and Land Grand Dharma Service

        The Origin of the Water and Land Dharma Service

        The Water and Land Dharma Service originated during the Liang Dynasty (AD 502-549), when Emperor Wu of Liang had a dream in which a spiritual Sangha told him, ‘The sentient beings of the Four Forms of Birth and Six Paths of Transmigration undergo measureless sufferings, and there is no greater relief than holding the Water and Land Grand Offering Service.” Thereupon, decreed by the Emperor, a group of Venerable Monks of the era led by State Master Baozhi spent three years to compose the scripture through an extensive investigation of the Buddhist Sutras

        Read more