An Introduction to Water and Land Grand Dharma Assembly

This Dharma ritual originated in the Liang Dynasty (AD502-549) when Emperor Wu had a dream in which a spiritual Sangha told him, “The sentient beings of the Four Forms of Birth and Six Paths undergo measureless sufferings, and there would be no greater relief than holding the Water and Land Grand Offering Service to save them.“ Thereupon the Emperor decreed that a group of Venerable monks, led by State Master Baozhi, compose the scripture through an extensive investigation of the Buddhist Sutras. Three years later, upon completing the composition, Emperor Wu prayed to the Three Treasures and declared that if the ritual is in accord with the essence of the Buddhadharma and both sagely and ordinary beings would benefit from it, all the candles would alight of their own accord; otherwise they would stay dark. The Emperor bowed after his prayer and the lamps illuminated upon his first bow. Upon the second bow the palace rumbled, followed by a heavenly rain of flowers which fell upon the third, thus proving the ritual’s significant religious efficacy.

The full name of this Dharma Assembly is Water and Land Grand Dharma Service and Universal Offering to All Sagely and Ordinary Beings of the Entire Dharma Realm. The purpose of this ritual is to liberate deceased beings of the air, water and land through grand meal offerings. Through the power of the mantra, their long-term hunger and thirst will be alleviated. Thus, this ritual is also called Grand Offering of Universal Deliverance. To achieve its goal, an Inner Hall and an Outer Hall will be erected respectively during the Dharma Assembly. While food offerings are the primary purpose of the Inner Hall, the Outer Hall will serve as a center of Dharma offerings where sutra recitation, bowing in repentance, Buddha recitation, etc. take place so that sentient beings from the Lower Realms can have the opportunity to listen to the Buddhadharma while savoring a feast of delicious food. Subsequently, their innate nature will be revealed and their ignorance will be eliminated, resulting in their liberation. Through the power of the Buddhadharma, they will be freed from sufferings and attain happiness upon being reborn in the Western Pure Land.

As it is said, “When a holy grace can be widely elicited, there must be a great deal of effort devoted beforehand; to culminate a Dharma Assembly successfully, building its Dharma power in advance is a must.” Therefore, Buddhist sutras will be chanted in the Outer Hall prior to the start of the service. After that, the assembly of enlightened sages will be invited and the ritual of “Setting of the Boundaries” in the Inner Hall will then be held. The Inner Hall is the heart of the entire ritual, and all activities of liberation and blessing of all sentient beings are centered here. In order to ensure that all Dharma services can proceed without any disruptions, a boundary line will be drawn at this hall. The agenda of the service is shown as follows:

The First Day: The ritual of “Setting of the Boundaries” will be performed in the morning, so that the body and mind of all participants and the space throughout the Temple will be pure. Meanwhile, heavenly deities are pledged to guard various altar sites against disturbances from all intruders of evil spirits and heretics. The ritual of “Sending Invitations and Hanging Banners” will be held in the afternoon, during which the commencement of this Dharma Assembly is officially announced by earnestly inviting all sentient beings from various realms. The ritual of “Sending Invitations and Hanging Banners” is to deliver the invitations, through messengers, to all beings of the Four Realms of Enlightened Sages, as well as the Six Unenlightened Realms, for their honorable presence. To guide them to find their bearings, the Temple will raise a proclamation banner in the in the daytime and hang lanterns at night to make sure that the site is conspicuous.

The Second Day: The ritual of “Inviting the Upper Hall” will be scheduled in the morning, during which all Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and the assembly of enlightened sages will be earnestly invited to accept the benefactors’ sincere offerings. With utmost reverence and humility, all benefactors will pray that the sages of the Upper Hall will bestow blessings on them and liberate their past ancestors.

The Third Day: “Offering to the Upper Hall” Ceremony will be held in the morning, during which the best offerings are proffered to the beings of Upper Hall. Offerings of clothing and food, incense, flowers, lamps, jewels and sutras (clothing and food are considered as one offering) are involved; thus it is named, “The six sorts of superb offerings.” All benefactors make this offering with their full sincerity and reverence; they offer even their favorite objects to the Buddhas. The ritual of “Sending Requests for Pardoning” will be performed in the afternoon, during which the Lord of Brahma Heaven and Trayastrimsa Heaven (also referred to as the Jade Emperor in Taoism) is beseeched for amnesty on behalf of the beings in the Hell Realm through burning a horse effigy in order to deliver a celestial petition. Through this ritual, even hell-dwellers who carry heavy karmic offenses can also be granted an invitation to join this service. Being indebted to the celestial deities, a grand feast offering will be held early next morning on behalf of all benefactors.

The Fourth Day: The ritual of “Inviting the Lower Hall” will be slated today, in which we will show our appreciation for the Buddha’s compassion, our sympathy towards the beings of the Six Paths, and our filial affection towards the ancestors of all benefactors. To take advantage of the presence of these Lower Hall beings, transmitting the Precepts for the Deceased will be held at night. Abiding by these Precepts, they will cleanse their past karmic offenses, purify their bad habitual tendencies, and not commit unwholesome deeds again.

The Fifth Day: The ritual of “Offering to the Lower Hall” will be scheduled for today since all beings of the Six Paths are now cleansed and able to sit within the Hall and savor the flavor of the Dharma. Apart from the offerings of luscious vegetarian foods, which include various kinds of dishes, broths, rice, pasta, fruits and pastries, they are also proffered with the same wonderful offerings as the beings of higher realms. After savoring all these offerings, they delightfully rejoice with full satisfaction and contentment.

The Sixth Day: Being content on this occasion of a rarely held ritual which is difficult to encounter, afflicted beings who are trapped in the Six Paths should grasp this opportunity to free themselves from drowning in the sea of suffering. Thus, the “Thrice Attentive Chanting Service” will be held today to recite the Amitabha Sutra and invoke Amitabha Buddha’s name to ensure their rebirth in the Pure Land.

The Seventh Day: The Dharma Service is about to end, so the last rituals of “Offering of Completion” and “Incense Offerings of Completion” will mark the successful culmination of this event. All sentient beings of the Six Paths are cordially invited to enjoy the offerings. Also, they are tirelessly admonished to initiate their orthodox faith, take refuge in the Three Treasures, bow in repentance and make the Four Universal Vows, so that they can be freed from the sea of suffering forever. The ritual of “Sending Off the Judges” will be held at noon, during which all the merits derived from this entire service will be delivered to the judges for inspection and acceptance. The ritual of “Sending Off the Sages” will be held in the afternoon to lower the curtains on this extraordinary Dharma Service. A sense of exhilaration and jubilation fill the monastery as a long procession with incense, flowers, lamps and streamers circumambulate to send off the assembly of enlightened sages. At this very moment, they are pled to frequently bring forth their compassionate mind, without forsaking their past vows, to propagate the Buddhadharma and save all sentient beings throughout the infinite future. Meanwhile, every single being of the Six Paths as well as every deceased loved one of the benefactors will be escorted to be reborn in the Pure Land.

During this week-long service, all benefactors will have participated with extreme sincerity and reverence without slacking off; the presiding masters will have vigilantly chanted, contemplated and practiced in accordance with the liturgy text; all meal offerings will have been sumptuous and all rituals solemn. Moreover, all Mahayana Buddhist sutras recited are the monumental ones which are rarely chanted. This service stands out from others in terms of meticulousness and extravagance. Therefore, the efficacy of this ritual is powerful. Not only can mundane beings escape the Six Paths, but the Enlightened Sages of the Three Vehicles can also speed up their perfection of the Bodhi Path. To the benefactors of this service, not only can they eradicate their karmic obstacles, but they can also gain blessings and wisdom. In addition, their ancestors can be reborn in the Pure Land. Furthermore, the merits derived from this service will redress grievances which have been nursed by karmic enemies from past and present lifetimes. Ultimately, the enmities among all sentient beings of the Dharma Realms can be settled. Thus, they can bask in the graces of the Three Treasures and plant the Bodhi seed together. At this point, their families can enjoy auspicious and peaceful lives, and an abundance of blessings and wisdom. As a result, the prevalent social norms will be changed from apathy to harmony and the entire society and country as a whole will benefit. Based on these reasons, this Dharma Service has inconceivable influences; that is why it is also called, “The Grand Dharma Service for the Benefit of the Living and the Deceased; Paying Debts of Gratitude and Praying for Blessings”.

3-Day Amitabha Chanting Retreat

  • Date:
    Friday – Sunday, April 21st – 23rd, 2023
  • Descriptions:
    Longevity plaques and memorial plaques can be set up during this service.
    Please fill out the form and send it to the temple by Email: [email protected] ;E-Transfer
    Text: 778-318-8358 ;Fax: 604-271-3890
    You are welcome to make meal offerings during the service to cultivate many merits and plant seeds in the field of blessings.

    Choose one of the methods below to set up your plaques:
    1. Download and fill out the form, and send us the filled form by email, text message(SMS), or fax, then call us at 604-271-0009
    2. Interac e-Transfer (Please call us at 604-271-0009 before transfer)
      • Log in to your online or mobile banking app and look for the option to send an Interac e-transfer.
      • You will receive a confirmation email or message from your bank.
      • Forward the confirmation message to [email protected], and attach the filled form (PDF or JPG file)
    3. Go to Online donation below


3-Day Amitabha Chanting Retreat


  • Date:
    Saturday, March 18th, 2023 Every Saturday 02:30pm – 05:00pm
  • Descriptions:
    Meditation is as much a mind cultivation process as it is a relaxation technique. Though not unique to Pure Land Buddhism, chanting meditation can purify our minds and restore our inherent life-state of tranquility.

    Come join us for a two-part workshop of chanting meditation and discussion. 604.271.0009 or buddhismseminar

    Choose one of the methods below to set up your plaques:
    1. Download and fill out the form, and send us the filled form by email, text message(SMS), or fax, then call us at 604-271-0009
    2. Interac e-Transfer (Please call us at 604-271-0009 before transfer)
      • Log in to your online or mobile banking app and look for the option to send an Interac e-transfer.
      • You will receive a confirmation email or message from your bank.
      • Forward the confirmation message to [email protected], and attach the filled form (PDF or JPG file)
    3. Go to Online donation page


    3-Day Amitabha Chanting Retreat

    • Date:
      Wednesday – Friday, April 5th – 7th, 2023
    • Descriptions:
      Longevity plaques and memorial plaques can be set up during this service.

      You are welcome to make meal offerings during the service to cultivate many merits and plant seeds in the field of blessings.

      Choose one of the methods below to set up your plaques:
      1. Download and fill out the form, and send us the filled form by email, text message(SMS), or fax, then call us at 604-271-0009
      2. Interac e-Transfer (Please call us at 604-271-0009 before transfer)
        • Log in to your online or mobile banking app and look for the option to send an Interac e-transfer.
        • You will receive a confirmation email or message from your bank.
        • Forward the confirmation message to [email protected], and attach the filled form (PDF or JPG file)
      3. Go to Online donation below


    3-Day Amitabha Chanting Retreat

    3-Day Guan Yin Chanting Retreat

    • Date:
      Friday – Sunday, March 10th – 12th, 2023
    • Descriptions:
      Birthday of Guan Yin Bodhisattva

      Fine and wondrous sound: Guan Yin!
      Tranquil sound, steady as the tides.
      A name transcending every worldly sound,
      Guan Yin! Stay forever in my mind.

      Choose one of the methods below to set up your plaques:
      1. Download and fill out the form, and send us the filled form by email, text message(SMS), or fax, then call us at 604-271-0009
      2. Interac e-Transfer (Please call us at 604-271-0009 before transfer)
        • Log in to your online or mobile banking app and look for the option to send an Interac e-transfer.
        • You will receive a confirmation email or message from your bank.
        • Forward the confirmation message to [email protected], and attach the filled form (PDF or JPG file)
      3. Go to Online donation below


    3-day Guan Yin Retreat

    Send love to Turkiye

    “The world is impermanent; the lands are fragile.” The major earthquake on February 6th, 2023, affecting Turkey and Syria, caused trembling in the minds of all people, serving as a shocking reminder of the suffering, emptiness, and impermanence of the world. In the spirit of compassion and empathy, the resident monastics of Lingyen Mountain Temple (Canada) once again asked everyone to take action in caring for those in need. They are gathering everyone’s contributions and purchasing supplies to send to the affected areas. They are also dedicating the merit of their Buddha Recitation and other wholesome practices in prayer that those who have lost their lives during this disaster will be reborn in the Western Pure Land, and that those surviving will soon rebuild their homes, and find peace and happiness in both body and mind.

    On February 11th, the temple purchased urgently needed supplies and delivered them to the donation depot in Vancouver. With the assistance of the Turkish Consulate in Vancouver, Turkish Airlines will deliver supplies to the affected areas every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.

    On February 11th, the temple delivered the first batch of relief supplies to the Turkish Consulate in Vancouver’s donation depot.

    On February 12th, instructors of the Sunday Buddhist Children’s Program taught the children about means of disaster prevention, and showed them videos of the current situation. They discussed ways to help the many people who are now homeless, cold, and hungry. The children were saddened by what they saw and sympathized with the victims: “They were asleep and did not have a chance to run away; they must have been very scared.” “They have lost their homes, which have now turned into a pile of dust. It is very sad.” “I want to donate some of my allowance.” “We are very safe here; how truly lucky we are.” With the guidance of the teachers, they began to see how “there is no peace in the Three Realms; they are like a burning house.” They also began to understand the true meaning of “It is a greater blessing to give than to receive” and thought about ways in which they could personally help. Aside from reciting the Buddha’s name to pray for those affected by the disaster, they also took the initiative to donate their allowance money into the Turkey Earthquake Relief donation box. By actively participating in charitable initiatives, and making an effort to care for the world, they felt the joy that comes from helping others. It was surely a very meaningful day for them.

    Lingyen Mountain Temple (Canada) continues to lead the way in their participation of the “Help Turkey Vancouver” fundraising initiative. Following the first delivery of supplies to the Turkish Consulate in Vancouver’s donation depot on February 11th, there has continued to be an outpour of love and care. Everyone has continued to donate generously online and at the temple.

    On February 15th, the resident monastics and volunteers from various regions used the recently donated funds to purchase diapers, canned food, and instant noodles, etc. and made a second delivery consisting of 11 pallets of goods. The employees at the donation depot gave a detailed explanation of how the supplies would be transported, and repeatedly expressed their appreciation. It was truly a warm and touching sight. With a mind of great kindness that extends to all, regardless of whether we share affinities, and a spirit of great compassion based on sharing the same essence with all beings, the temple hopes that the donated supplies will soon reach Turkey, and provide immediate relief to those in need. We hope that those affected by the disaster will be able to feel a sense of warmth in the freezing cold winter, and soon recover from their sorrow.

    In Reverent Memory of Venerable Master Hsing Yun Entering Nirvana

    In reverent memory of Venerable Master Hsing Yun Entering Nirvana

    We pray that the Venerable Master will soon return from the Pure Land on the wings of his vows, and continue to guide sentient beings

    Venerable Master Hsing Yun, founder of Fo Guang Shan and Buddha’s Light International Association, passed away peacefully on February 5th at the age of 97. All disciples of the fourfold assembly at Lingyen Mountain Temple (Canada) are deeply saddened. To express their boundless gratitude and pay tribute to the Venerable Master, six of the temple’s Dharma Masters led volunteers from all areas to offer flowers in memory of a great patriarch of our generation. They also joined in the solemn recitation of the Vajra Sutra in the Buddha Hall, praying that the Venerable Master would soon return on the wings of his vows, and by means of the Buddhadharma, illuminate the five continents with peace and happiness.

    Venerable Master Miao Lien, founding abbot of Lingyen Mountain Temple, was a close Dharma friend of Venerable Master Hsing Yun. Since the inauguration of Lingyen Mountain Temple, Venerable Master Hsing Yun tirelessly supported their work, including Triple Platform Ordination Ceremonies and Water and Land Dharma Services. The fourfold assembly of Lingyen Mountain Temple will always remember him dearly in their hearts. The Venerable Master never took any vacations, saying that he would live “300 years of life.” He expected himself to give 300 years worth of contributions to the world, exerting every effort in promoting Humanistic Buddhism and all endeavors that bring benefit to sentient beings. He has made a deep impression in the hearts of people today, as he leaves behind an everlasting legacy of selfless immersion in service to the world.

    Send love to Turkiye

    • Date:
      Saturday – Sunday, February 11th – 19th, 2023
    • Descriptions:
      In the Buddhist spirit of unconditional compassion and empathy, the temple has initiated a donation drive to help send supplies to disaster-stricken areas in Turkiye.

      The temple will use the money raised to buy the most urgently needed supplies for the victims and donate them to the Consulate General of the Republic of Turkiye for distribution.


      2023 Chinese New Year Events

      Happily welcoming in the lunar New Year, Lingyen Mountain Temple (Canada) held the Ringing the Bell Blessing Service on Chinese New Year’s Eve on January 21st, and the Spring Auspicious Blessings Prayer Service from January 22nd to 24th. Over these few days, approximately 5000 people visited the temple and offered their prayers for family safety, auspiciousness, national prosperity, and peace for everyone in the world.

      “Welcome the New Year at Lingyen” was the theme of this year’s events. The temple designed twelve activity stations, and visitors who completed all of these stations were eligible to receive a beautiful “Mug of Compassion” (Cí bēi) which signifies a kind heart and compassionate resolve. The mug is inscribed with the Chinese characters “Lǎo shí” which carry the meaning of honesty and integrity. We hope that everyone will bring forth the resolve for Bodhi, benefit both self and others, and perfect their blessings and wisdom.

      Hanging to the sides of the Guan Yin Gazebo were everyone’s New Year wishes, written on the temple’s Make-a-Wish Cards, and then carefully tied onto the boards. The offering lamps lit up the courtyard, all reflecting upon each other, as visitors made their prayers to Guan Yin Bodhisattva with lamp offerings and written wishes on the cards. The Recitation Hall on the second floor was a place for distribution of many Dharma Treasures. It also enshrined the figures of the Eighteen Arhats, and offered Guan Yin Divinations. At the exit, Noodles of Peace and Fruits of Auspiciousness were given to everyone as expressions of the temple’s good wishes for each and every visitor.

      During the three-day Spring Auspicious Blessings Prayer Service, there was daily recitation of the Sutra of Auspiciousness and the Universal Gateway Chapter of the Lotus Sutra. As pandemic-related restrictions have been reduced, participants could also personally present the Six Offerings of incense, flowers, lights, perfume, fruits, and music. On the morning of New Year’s Day, there was an Offering to the Sangha ceremony. Participants were filled with Dharma joy at the opportunity to express their reverence toward the Three Treasures. It is most auspicious to become a disciple of the Three Treasures on New Year’s Day. More than one hundred people officially became Buddhist disciples during the Refuge-taking Ceremony presided over by the Venerable Abbot of the temple, Dharma Master Tze Cheng.

      On the final day of the service, the Venerable Abbot delivered a Dharma lecture in which he explained that Lingyen Mountain Temple is a Pure Land monastery, with recitation of the Buddha’s name as its main practice. In order to make steady progress and persevere in Pure Land practice, we must apply efforts to simultaneously advance in both practice and understanding. The rigorous schedule of the temple practice sessions is designed to help us delve deeply into the practice. After learning the principles that promote our understanding, we need to be able to push through all kinds of states that arise in our daily lives, with wise discernment and management, and ultimately let go of these states. By persevering through all states, we will find that our determination becomes stronger over time. When virtuous Masters of the past spoke of ascetic practice, they did not promote any harmful behavior; rather, their intention was to use the difficulty of the practice to strengthen our determination, activate our potential, and solidify our resolve for awakening. It is just as clay must be put through the process of firing before it can become a useful appliance. Only by rigorous practice and learning will we be able to activate our inherent potential. The Venerable Abbot concluded by encouraging everyone to take advantage of the temple’s monthly three-day recitation retreats to come and recite together with the assembly. By constantly being mindful of the Buddha, reciting the Buddha’s name, and continuously advancing in both practice and understanding, we will find ourselves naturally improving as we cultivate both blessings and wisdom.

      Venerable Abbot Tze Cheng’s visit to the Richmond RCMP headquarters

      On January 19, 2023, Venerable Abbot Tze Cheng of Lingyen Mountain Temple (Canada) led eight Dharma Masters to the Richmond RCMP headquarters to hold a prayer ceremony with the entire staff. They recited the Great Compassion Mantra and circumambulated the grounds in the spirit of purification. The prayers were dedicated to all police officers and their families, wishing them peace and auspiciousness, freedom from affliction, and peace and happiness of both body and mind.

      The Venerable Abbot said that different religions describe different gods, some representing courage, and some representing wisdom. In Buddhism, Guan Yin Bodhisattva represents compassion, as he finds and rescues living beings who are suffering by hearing their sounds. When living beings are in distress, they receive the protection of Guan Yin Bodhisattva simply by reciting his name. When people are in danger, they will call the police to ask for help; police officers are the living Guan Yin Bodhisattvas in our lives. We are very grateful for the hard work of police officers in maintaining a safe and peaceful community.

      Police officers help people to live with safety and security.

      Religious leaders help people to live with spiritual peace and joy.

      Let us all encourage each other as we work to create a harmonious society together.