7-Day Amitabha Chanting Retreat

  • Date:
    Monday – Sunday, December 19th – 25th, 2022
  • Descriptions:
    Buddhadharma is a Dharma of the mind and is our innate treasure. As long as you diligently chant the Buddha’s name, and let go of worldly desires and wandering thoughts, your mind will be tranquil, and your wisdom will naturally shine through.Choose one of the methods below to set up your plaques:
    1. Download and fill out the form, and send us the filled form by email, text message(SMS), or fax, then call us at 604-271-0009
    2. Interac e-Transfer (Please call us at 604-271-0009 before transfer)
      • Log in to your online or mobile banking app and look for the option to send an Interac e-transfer.
      • You will receive a confirmation email or message from your bank.
      • Forward the confirmation message to [email protected], and attach the filled form (PDF or JPG file)
    3. Go to Online donation below


      Amitabha Chanting Retreat

      Community Autumn Sweep

      • Date:
        Sunday, November 20th, 2022 10:00am – 12:00pm
      • Descriptions:
        We are the Lingyen Mountain Temple Buddhist Youth, a group of passionate and enthusiastic young volunteer, that dedicate towards the society. In this special season with leaves falling, we will be volunteering to rack leaves at the nearby neighbourhoods. We sincerely invite all the nearby residents, if you would like us to come by, please fill in the form, thank you!

        Due to limited resources and time, we are only able to provide service to houses within 15min walking distance from the temple, we will confirm with you after the submission.


        掃落葉報名表/Community Autumn Sweep Registration Form

        Awakening of Mahayana Faith

        • Date:
          Monday – Saturday, November 14th – 19th, 2022 07:00pm – 09:00pm
        • Descriptions:
          Faith is the source of the Way, and the mother of all merit and virtue. It nurtures all wholesome roots

          Lecturer: Venerable Master Tsung Tsu
          Classes will be online
          Register online

          The Awakening of Mahayana Faith is a preliminary text for studying the Mahayana Buddhist Teachings. To break through teachings of the Hinayana, external paths, and wrong views, Great Master Asvaghosa provides this commentary – which integrates many Mahayana scriptures – to awaken wise faith [of practitioners]. Mahayana means great vehicle, as its teachings carry sentient beings out of birth and death and toward Nirvana. However, for this vehicle to be effective, one must bring forth faith: “Faith is the source of the Way, and the mother of all merit and virtue. It nurtures all wholesome roots”. All roots of goodness develop out of faith. Faith enables one of practice; to practice, one must make vows. Faith, vows, and practice and essential in Buddhist cultivation.


          大乘起信論佛學課程報名表/Awakening of Mahayana Faith Class Registration Form

          Coming Together To Deliver Our Love and Care

            • Descriptions:
              The Ling Yen Mountain Template (Canada), dedicated to the principle of charity and peace, continues to engage in various charitable donations and social care activities. We sincerely invite you, your family, and friends to join us in supporting these good deeds. You can make a donation through the temple’s official website or by directly calling the temple at 604-271-0009. Let us join together to extend care to more people in need.
              Choose one of the methods below to set up your plaques:
              1. Download and fill out the form, and send us the filled form by email, text message(SMS), or fax, then call us at 604-271-0009
              2. Interac e-Transfer (Please call us at 604-271-0009 before transfer)
                • Log in to your online or mobile banking app and look for the option to send an Interac e-transfer.
                • You will receive a confirmation email or message from your bank.
                • Forward the confirmation message to [email protected], and attach the filled form (PDF or JPG file)
              3. Go to Online donation page