A joyful celebration of Buddha’s Birthday and Mother’s Day Proceeds from bazaar going to local women’s charities

To celebrate the birthday of Shakyamuni Buddha, founder of Buddhism, as well as Mother’s Day, Lingyen Mountain Temple (Canada) hosted a series of events themed “The mind of a Buddha—the mind of a compassionate mother”. Starting 9:00AM on May 12th, the Bathing the Buddha Ceremony was held in the temple’s central courtyard. Venerable Abbot Tze Cheng and representatives from all three levels of government offered incense and prayers before everyone in attendance came forward to bathe the Buddha and bask in the Buddha’s light.

On this beautifully sunny day, approximately 3000 people came out to attend. Aside from the Bathing the Buddha Ceremony, there was also a Calligraphy Exhibition and Charity Bazaar. After the Ceremony, the Venerable Abbot made the initial strike on the “Gong of Loving Kindness”, encouraging everyone to donate $5 to strike the gong in support of women’s charities. The government officials, respected guests, and all participants followed with great enthusiasm. The Charity Bazaar featured more than 40 diverse booths, offering delicious vegetarian food, merchandise, games, and prize draws. All proceeds from the bazaar were presented to the following women’s charities: 1) Richmond Hospital Birth Center ($43,000) to purchase a new infant bedside monitor and incubator; 2) Chimo Community Services ($30,000) to continue providing crisis counselling for women experiencing sexual abuse, and temporary shelters for women and children experiencing domestic violence; 3) BC Women’s Health Foundation ($30,000) to support their research on breast cancer, reproductive health and psychology, and contribute to their services such as emergency support for women, miscarriage support services, online support for postpartum depression, and more. In addition to celebrating Mother’s Day, everyone delivered their love and care by participating in this charitable event.