Why should we take refuge in the Three Treasures?

Why should we take refuge in the Three Treasures? What are the benefits of doing so? What does “Taking Refuge” entail? What do the Three Treasures represent? But, what are the Three Treasures? They are the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha. The Three Treasures are what we are taking refuge in. Why are they considered “Treasures”? Because the word “Treasure” embodies the meanings of nobility, illumination, and purity. Taking refuge in the Buddha means taking refuge in Shakyamuni Buddha and in the Buddhas of all Ten Directions. A Buddha is the teacher of all beings in the human and heavenly realms and is the World Honored One in the Three Realms. Taking refuge helps eliminate our karmic hindrances and enhances our blessings and wisdom; isn’t that an unsurpassed treasure? Buddhas refrain from unwholesome deeds and obtain the pure virtue of having severed all secular afflictions; isn’t that purity? We take refuge in the Buddha to learn from him; should we not learn from such a truly wise advisor?