The Fourth Annual Offering to the Buddha and Sangha Ceremony

The Sangha Treasure is the unsurpassed field of blessings which gives people all over the world the opportunity to make offerings, practice giving, and cultivate blessings. At the end of the Summer Retreat every year, Lingyen Mountain Temple (Canada) holds an Offering to the Sangha event. Since 2019, the temple has invited Dharma Masters from the Greater Vancouver area to personally come to the temple to receive the offerings. This year, the Fourth Annual Offering to the Buddha and Sangha Ceremony was held at 9:00AM on August 13th. In all, 102 Dharma Masters from 28 monasteries across the Greater Vancouver area came together to compassionately receive the sincere offerings from disciples of the Fourfold Assembly. The Masters led the assembly in reciting the Ullambana Sutra, making offerings to Buddhas of the Ten Directions, and dedicating the merits in prayer that all benefactors enjoy peace and happiness in both body and mind, eliminate their negative karma, and increase their blessings.

With their most sincere respect and gratitude, the temple’s Buddhist Children Family Choir, male and female Buddhist Youth sang songs in praise of the Sangha, wishing all of the greatly virtuous Dharma Masters throughout the world good health, and attainment in their cultivation of the Way. May they continue to turn the wheel of the wonderful Dharma, and be unimpeded in their work of guiding sentient beings to liberation. In the afternoon following the ceremony, the Medicine Master Sutra was recited and a Grand Meng Mountain Food Bestowal Ceremony was held. The meritorious virtues of the day’s practices were dedicated toward benefiting all sentient beings.