2023 Chinese New Year Events

Happily welcoming in the lunar New Year, Lingyen Mountain Temple (Canada) held the Ringing the Bell Blessing Service on Chinese New Year’s Eve on January 21st, and the Spring Auspicious Blessings Prayer Service from January 22nd to 24th. Over these few days, approximately 5000 people visited the temple and offered their prayers for family safety, auspiciousness, national prosperity, and peace for everyone in the world.

“Welcome the New Year at Lingyen” was the theme of this year’s events. The temple designed twelve activity stations, and visitors who completed all of these stations were eligible to receive a beautiful “Mug of Compassion” (Cí bēi) which signifies a kind heart and compassionate resolve. The mug is inscribed with the Chinese characters “Lǎo shí” which carry the meaning of honesty and integrity. We hope that everyone will bring forth the resolve for Bodhi, benefit both self and others, and perfect their blessings and wisdom.

Hanging to the sides of the Guan Yin Gazebo were everyone’s New Year wishes, written on the temple’s Make-a-Wish Cards, and then carefully tied onto the boards. The offering lamps lit up the courtyard, all reflecting upon each other, as visitors made their prayers to Guan Yin Bodhisattva with lamp offerings and written wishes on the cards. The Recitation Hall on the second floor was a place for distribution of many Dharma Treasures. It also enshrined the figures of the Eighteen Arhats, and offered Guan Yin Divinations. At the exit, Noodles of Peace and Fruits of Auspiciousness were given to everyone as expressions of the temple’s good wishes for each and every visitor.

During the three-day Spring Auspicious Blessings Prayer Service, there was daily recitation of the Sutra of Auspiciousness and the Universal Gateway Chapter of the Lotus Sutra. As pandemic-related restrictions have been reduced, participants could also personally present the Six Offerings of incense, flowers, lights, perfume, fruits, and music. On the morning of New Year’s Day, there was an Offering to the Sangha ceremony. Participants were filled with Dharma joy at the opportunity to express their reverence toward the Three Treasures. It is most auspicious to become a disciple of the Three Treasures on New Year’s Day. More than one hundred people officially became Buddhist disciples during the Refuge-taking Ceremony presided over by the Venerable Abbot of the temple, Dharma Master Tze Cheng.

On the final day of the service, the Venerable Abbot delivered a Dharma lecture in which he explained that Lingyen Mountain Temple is a Pure Land monastery, with recitation of the Buddha’s name as its main practice. In order to make steady progress and persevere in Pure Land practice, we must apply efforts to simultaneously advance in both practice and understanding. The rigorous schedule of the temple practice sessions is designed to help us delve deeply into the practice. After learning the principles that promote our understanding, we need to be able to push through all kinds of states that arise in our daily lives, with wise discernment and management, and ultimately let go of these states. By persevering through all states, we will find that our determination becomes stronger over time. When virtuous Masters of the past spoke of ascetic practice, they did not promote any harmful behavior; rather, their intention was to use the difficulty of the practice to strengthen our determination, activate our potential, and solidify our resolve for awakening. It is just as clay must be put through the process of firing before it can become a useful appliance. Only by rigorous practice and learning will we be able to activate our inherent potential. The Venerable Abbot concluded by encouraging everyone to take advantage of the temple’s monthly three-day recitation retreats to come and recite together with the assembly. By constantly being mindful of the Buddha, reciting the Buddha’s name, and continuously advancing in both practice and understanding, we will find ourselves naturally improving as we cultivate both blessings and wisdom.