The Third Phase of Construction for Lingyen Mountain Temple

To propagate the Pure Land School of Buddhism, Lingyen Mountain Temple (Canada) follows ancient monastic rules as well as the teachings set out by the Patriarch Yin Kuang, which focus on recitation of the name of the Buddha as well as observing precepts. With a heart of compassion and the vow to deliver all sentient beings, as well as with the support of disciples of the ten directions, Venerable Master Miao Lien – the founder of Lingyen Mountain Temple – oversaw the completion of the temple in 1999. Since its inauguration, Lingyen Mountain Temple grew with the community, hosting all sorts of Buddhist ceremonies, teachings, cultural events, and charity fundraisers. Due to the lack of space available for the increasing number of events the temple has been hosting, we were fortunate to have received a generous donation to purchase a piece of land for the purpose of expansion.
However, we faced troubles passing the permit process. After more than a decade later, we have finally reached a consensus. In June 2016, we passed the municipal public hearing. In June 2018, we held the Ground-breaking Ceremony. Finally, in October we began the preloading work. Construction will begin once we receive our building permit. The temple began to submit its third phase construction applications in 2003. Through 18 years of ups and downs, challenges and hard work, we have finally obtained the building permit on June 24, 2021.
In the centre of the temple, a solemn Main Buddha Hall will be erected with statues of Shakyamuni Buddha, Amitabha Buddha, and Medicine Buddha. On either side of the Main Buddha Hall are the Patriarch Hall, Longevity Hall, and Memorial Hall. Under the Main Buddha Hall is the Dining Hall, the kitchen, and Information Centre Hall. The central area consists of a plaza with a Shrine to Manjusri Bodhisattva and Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Shrine. The front area consists of the Vajrapani Bodhisattva Shrine and the Maitreya Bodhisattva Shrine while the lower levels are parking lots. In addition, there will be new construction of a Buddhist Education Centre, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva Hall, Meeting Centre, Venerable Master Miao Lien’s Memorial Hall, Administrative Centre, Conference Hall, classrooms and living quarters towards the south of the building.

Lingyen Mountain Temple’s third phase of construction not only marks a great stepping stone for the westernization of Buddhism, but also further expands the Buddhadharma, purifying people’s minds, and propagating world peace. It serves as a cultural exchange center, and a place of education for the community. Yet, the building of a great monastery is not done by any one single individual, but by the support of many individuals of the ten directions and their generous donations. That is the only way we can give back and benefit all sentient beings of the ten directions – our greatest mission in this temple.