A joyful celebration of Buddha’s Birthday and Mother’s Day Proceeds from bazaar going to local women’s charities

To celebrate the birthday of Shakyamuni Buddha, founder of Buddhism, as well as Mother’s Day, Lingyen Mountain Temple (Canada) hosted a series of events themed “The mind of a Buddha—the mind of a compassionate mother”. Starting 9:00AM on May 12th, the Bathing the Buddha Ceremony was held in the temple’s central courtyard. Venerable Abbot Tze Cheng and representatives from all three levels of government offered incense and prayers before everyone in attendance came forward to bathe the Buddha and bask in the Buddha’s light.

On this beautifully sunny day, approximately 3000 people came out to attend. Aside from the Bathing the Buddha Ceremony, there was also a Calligraphy Exhibition and Charity Bazaar. After the Ceremony, the Venerable Abbot made the initial strike on the “Gong of Loving Kindness”, encouraging everyone to donate $5 to strike the gong in support of women’s charities. The government officials, respected guests, and all participants followed with great enthusiasm. The Charity Bazaar featured more than 40 diverse booths, offering delicious vegetarian food, merchandise, games, and prize draws. All proceeds from the bazaar were presented to the following women’s charities: 1) Richmond Hospital Birth Center ($43,000) to purchase a new infant bedside monitor and incubator; 2) Chimo Community Services ($30,000) to continue providing crisis counselling for women experiencing sexual abuse, and temporary shelters for women and children experiencing domestic violence; 3) BC Women’s Health Foundation ($30,000) to support their research on breast cancer, reproductive health and psychology, and contribute to their services such as emergency support for women, miscarriage support services, online support for postpartum depression, and more. In addition to celebrating Mother’s Day, everyone delivered their love and care by participating in this charitable event.

3-Day Amitabha Chanting Retreat

  • Date:
    Saturday – Monday, June 8th – 10th, 2024 08:00am – 09:30pm
  • Descriptions:
    Recite the Amitabha Sutra
    Chant the holy name of Amitabha Buddha

    The virtue of his sacred name fills up the entire Dharma Realm, nourishing the Dharma Body of those who recite the name just as air and water nourish our physical bodies.

    Choose one of the methods below to set up your plaques:
    1. Download and fill out the form, and send us the filled form by email, text message(SMS), or fax, then call us at 604-271-0009
    2. Interac e-Transfer (Please call us at 604-271-0009 before transfer)
      • Log in to your online or mobile banking app and look for the option to send an Interac e-transfer.
      • You will receive a confirmation email or message from your bank.
      • Forward the confirmation message to [email protected], and attach the filled form (PDF or JPG file)
    3. Go to Online donation page


    Doors Open

    • Date:
      Saturday – Sunday, June 8th – 9th, 2024 10:00am – 04:00pm
    • Descriptions:
      We are excited to share fascinating and informative content about Buddhist monasteries with you. Get ready to embark on a journey of enlightenment and cultural exploration!
      Choose one of the methods below to set up your plaques:
      1. Download and fill out the form, and send us the filled form by email, text message(SMS), or fax, then call us at 604-271-0009
      2. Interac e-Transfer (Please call us at 604-271-0009 before transfer)
        • Log in to your online or mobile banking app and look for the option to send an Interac e-transfer.
        • You will receive a confirmation email or message from your bank.
        • Forward the confirmation message to [email protected], and attach the filled form (PDF or JPG file)
      3. Go to Online donation page


      3-Day Guan Yin Chanting Retreat

      • Date:
        Thursday – Friday, March 28th – 29th, 2024 08:00am – 09:30pm
      • Saturday, March 30th, 2024 08:00am – 05:00pm
      • Descriptions:
        Birthday of Guan Yin Bodhisattva
        Fine and wondrous sound: Guan Yin!
        Tranquil sound, steady as the tides.
        A name transcending every worldly sound, Guan Yin! Stay forever in my mind.

        The Eight Precepts and Fasting will be held on March 28 at 8:00am. If you want to stay over at the temple during the retreat, please register at the information center.
        Longevity plaques and memorial plaques can be setup during this service.
        You are welcome to make meal offerings during the service to cultivate many merits and plant seeds in the field of blessings.

        Choose one of the methods below to set up your plaques:
        1. Download and fill out the form, and send us the filled form by email, text message(SMS), or fax, then call us at 604-271-0009
        2. Interac e-Transfer (Please call us at 604-271-0009 before transfer)
          • Log in to your online or mobile banking app and look for the option to send an Interac e-transfer.
          • You will receive a confirmation email or message from your bank.
          • Forward the confirmation message to [email protected], and attach the filled form (PDF or JPG file)
        3. Go to Online donation page


      3-Day Amitabha Chanting Retreat

      • Date:
        Thursday – Friday, April 4th – 5th, 2024 08:00am – 09:30pm
      • Saturday, April 6th, 2024 08:00am – 05:00pm
      • Descriptions:
        If you really want to repay others for their benevolence, chant the name of the Buddha and transfer the resulting merits to all sentient beings so that they will attain rebirth in the Western Pure Land.
        The Eight Precepts and Fasting will be held on April 4 at 8:00am. If you want to stay over at the temple during the retreat, please register at the information center.
        You are welcome to make meals offering during the service to cultivate many merits and plant seeds in the fields of blessings.

        Choose one of the methods below to set up your plaques:
        1. Download and fill out the form, and send us the filled form by email, text message(SMS), or fax, then call us at 604-271-0009
        2. Interac e-Transfer (Please call us at 604-271-0009 before transfer)
          • Log in to your online or mobile banking app and look for the option to send an Interac e-transfer.
          • You will receive a confirmation email or message from your bank.
          • Forward the confirmation message to [email protected], and attach the filled form (PDF or JPG file)
        3. Go to Online donation page


        1-Day Six Paramitas Amitabha Retreat

        • Date:
          Thursday, April 11th, 2024 08:00am – 09:30pm
        • Descriptions:
          Birthday of Venerable Master Miao Lien
          Choose one of the methods below to set up your plaques:
          1. Download and fill out the form, and send us the filled form by email, text message(SMS), or fax, then call us at 604-271-0009
          2. Interac e-Transfer (Please call us at 604-271-0009 before transfer)
            • Log in to your online or mobile banking app and look for the option to send an Interac e-transfer.
            • You will receive a confirmation email or message from your bank.
            • Forward the confirmation message to [email protected], and attach the filled form (PDF or JPG file)
          3. Go to Online donation page


          Monastic Life Experience Retreat

          • Date:
            Thursday – Wednesday, August 1st – 7th, 2024
          • Descriptions:
            Objectives: To propagate the Buddha’s teachings and give lay practitioners an opportunity to experience monastic life, advance in both understanding and practice, cultivate concentration and wisdom, nurture pure and wholesome roots, blessings, and virtues, and firmly establish the causes for transcendence and Nirvana.

            Features: We have respectfully invited virtuous Precept Masters to transmit the Ten Śrāmaṇera Precepts to male participants, and the Eight Precepts and Fasting to the female participants.

            Dates: August 1st to 7th, 2024. Check-in begins on July 31st at 2:00PM.

            Venue: Lingyen Mountain Temple (Canada)

            Content: Immerse yourself in a structured life of Buddhist practice in the monastery. Recite sutras, study the Precepts, learn about Buddhist chanting and Dharma instruments, and participate in work around the monastery to cultivate blessings. By cultivating amidst a great assembly of practitioners, wash away all secular weariness, nurture your resolve for awakening, adorn your body and mind, and firmly establish the pure causes of world-transcending liberation.

            Eligibility: Buddhist disciples with proper faith in the Three Treasures, from the age of 7 to 60. Participants must be in good health, able to bow, kneel, and follow the full schedule. Participants ages 7-13 must be accompanied by a parent.

            Registration: Starts now and ends July 1st, 2024. Please download and complete the registration form on the temple’s official website (https://www.lymtcanada.com). Return the completed form to the temple in person or by mail.
            Limit of 80 male participants and 120 female participants. Space is limited; registration is open until capacity is reached. Once your registration is received, we will notify you of our decision within three weeks. Incomplete registration forms will not be processed.

            Fees: Group photo (optional); laundry costs (for the monastic robes). All other costs will be covered by the temple.

            Meal Offering: You are welcome to donate toward the meals provided to the assembly during the retreat, and establish many positive affinities.

            Note: On the check-in day, please bring your check-in notice, identification, medical card, black robe (and brown sash, if you have taken the precepts), personal items, sleeping bag, and enough clothing for seven days.

            Choose one of the methods below to set up your plaques:
            1. Download and fill out the form, and send us the filled form by email, text message(SMS), or fax, then call us at 604-271-0009
            2. Interac e-Transfer (Please call us at 604-271-0009 before transfer)
              • Log in to your online or mobile banking app and look for the option to send an Interac e-transfer.
              • You will receive a confirmation email or message from your bank.
              • Forward the confirmation message to [email protected], and attach the filled form (PDF or JPG file)
            3. Go to Online donation page


          Flower Adornment Grand Dharma Service Flower Adornment Jeweled Repentance, Grand Offering to the Buddhas and Devas, and Grand Meng Mountain Food Bestowal Ceremony

          • Date:
            Wednesday – Sunday, January 3rd – 21st, 2024 08:30am – 09:30pm
          • Descriptions:
            Flower Adornment Jeweled Repentance, Grand Offering to the Buddhas and Devas, and Grand Meng Mountain Food Bestowal Ceremony

            Purpose: As the new year begins, let the sounds of pure Buddhist chanting bring you into the Flower Treasury World illustrated in The Flower Adornment Sutra, and guide you step by step into the practices of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva.
            The assembly will sincerely prostrate in repentance, and pray for the compassionate protection of the Three Treasures, so that the world-wide pandemic will be eradicated, the world will be at peace, we will be free of karmic obstacles and increase our blessings and wisdom, our karmic enemies and friends from the infinite past will be free of suffering, the Buddhadharma will flourish, and all sentient beings will enjoy peace and happiness.

            Content: During the 19-day service, we will recite the Flower Adornment Sutra, bow in repentance according to the Flower Adornment Jeweled Repentance ritual. On the final day, there will be a Grand Offering to the Buddhas and Devas Ceremony in the morning, and a Grand Meng Mountain Food Bestowal Ceremony in the afternoon.

            Donation categories: You are welcome to plant seeds in the field of blessings by contributing to the Flower Adornment Benefactor categories, Thousand Flower Lamps, Longevity and Memorial Plaques, Meal Offerings, Flower Adornment Offerings, and offering items for the Grand Meng Mountain Food Bestowal Ceremony.

            1. Main Benefactor 2. Benefactor of Seven Buddhas 3. Benefactor of Blessings and Wisdom 4. Benefactor of Giving 5. Benefactor of Virtue and Discipline 6. Benefactor of Flower Adornment 7. Benefactor of Auspiciousness 8. Benefactor of Fulfilling Wishes
            Categories including the Benefactor of Giving and above: List the name of one representative to be placed on a Lamp of a Thousand Flowers, and announced during the first and last day, and each Sunday of the Dharma Service.
            Categories including the Benefactor of Flower Adornment: List the name of one representative to be announced during the first and last day, and each Sunday of the Dharma Service.

            Thousand Flower Lamps
            Lamp of a Thousand Flowers: List up to 2 names per lamp (and family)

            Choose one of the methods below to set up your plaques:
            1. Download and fill out the form, and send us the filled form by email, text message(SMS), or fax, then call us at 604-271-0009
            2. Interac e-Transfer (Please call us at 604-271-0009 before transfer)
              • Log in to your online or mobile banking app and look for the option to send an Interac e-transfer.
              • You will receive a confirmation email or message from your bank.
              • Forward the confirmation message to [email protected], and attach the filled form (PDF or JPG file)
            3. Go to Online donation below


          Flower Adornment Grand Dharma Service Plaque, Offering Ceremony to the Buddhas and Devas, and Ceremonial Offerings Fund

          3-Day Amitabha Chanting Retreat

          • Date:
            Thursday – Saturday, January 25th – 27th, 2024 08:00am – 09:30pm
          • Descriptions:
            Be mindful of the Buddha, one can experience purity, tranquility, happiness, and ease in the present moment.Choose one of the methods below to set up your plaques:
            1. Download and fill out the form, and send us the filled form by email, text message(SMS), or fax, then call us at 604-271-0009
            2. Interac e-Transfer (Please call us at 604-271-0009 before transfer)
              • Log in to your online or mobile banking app and look for the option to send an Interac e-transfer.
              • You will receive a confirmation email or message from your bank.
              • Forward the confirmation message to [email protected], and attach the filled form (PDF or JPG file)
            3. Go to Online donation below


          3-Day Amitabha Chanting Retreat

          Celebrating the Lunar Chinese New Year

          • Date:
            Friday, February 9th, 2024 09:30pm – 12:00am
          • Saturday, February 10th, 2024 10:00am – 02:00pm
          • Descriptions:
            Ringing the Bell Blessing Service
            The full deep resonance of the giant bell, when heard, can help us lighten vexations, enhance wisdom and nurture the Bodhi.
            Choose one of the methods below to set up your plaques:
            1. Download and fill out the form, and send us the filled form by email, text message(SMS), or fax, then call us at 604-271-0009
            2. Interac e-Transfer (Please call us at 604-271-0009 before transfer)
              • Log in to your online or mobile banking app and look for the option to send an Interac e-transfer.
              • You will receive a confirmation email or message from your bank.
              • Forward the confirmation message to [email protected], and attach the filled form (PDF or JPG file)
            3. Go to Online donation below


          Lanterns of Wisdom