Female Buddhist Youth Education Program

Group Cultivation in the Buddha Hall

The Buddhist Youth participate in group cultivation sessions to eliminate their karmic obstacles and nurture their blessings and wisdom.

Sutra Recitation

In the morning, they recite sutras in either Chinese or English, incorporating the wisdom of the Buddha.


Basic Buddhism

They learn real Buddhist principles that will help them blossom their wisdom and eliminate their afflictions.

Buddhist Etiquette

They learn about basic Buddhist etiquette in the Buddha Hall and how to pay attention to detail and maintain proper demeanor.

Lingyen Chanting

They learn the Lingyen style of chanting and Dharma instruments. Their chanting benefits both the human and heavenly realms.

Life Skills

They learn how to apply Buddhist principles in their everyday lives through understanding the Buddhist principles of cause and effect, morals and ethics, Chinese cultural virtues, and health-related lectures.

Vegetarian Cooking

They learn how to cook healthy vegetarian food with hands-on practice.

Traditional Buddhist Lunch

They learn how to eat in the traditional Buddhist style, including how to hold their bowls and chopsticks. This is an important part of the daily temple routine.

Lunch Service

Taking on the role of lunch service, they serve all visitors delicious vegetarian food. This is the Female Buddhist Youths’ main role in cultivating blessings.


They help clean up the dining hall, improving their teamwork skills at the same time.

Afternoon Activities

They rotate through the following activities to gain wisdom in their daily lives and learn the different expedient ways how Bodhisattvas guide sentient beings.

Buddhist Chanting

They nurture their virtuous roots with peaceful chanting in praise of the Buddha’s virtues.

Arts & Crafts

They learn how to remain steady in both active and calm situations, incorporating one of the Bodhisattva’s Five Sciences: Fine Arts and Mathematics.

Traditional Chinese Painting

They immerse themselves in traditional Chinese culture and the beauty of stillness and eliminate the worries in their minds.


They write carefully with each stroke, exercising concentration and gathering in their scattered minds.

Temple work

They experience the simple temple life of working while chanting the Buddha’s name.

Coming-of-Age and Graduation Ceremonies

The Coming-of-Age Ceremony is for those who are turning 20 years old and the Graduation Ceremony is for those who are graduating from the Buddhist Youth Program. On the day of these ceremonies, they personally lead the service in the Buddha Hall, and light lamps before the Buddha to pray for blessings, wisdom and a bright future.

Bodhi Camps, One-day Camps, Buddhist Studies Camp

Using the various activities during the camp, the youths experience the Buddhist way of life, while rejuvenating their spirits and fostering morally sound values and outlook on life.

Temple Activities

Annual Cleaning

They participate in the annual cleaning, sweeping the dust from temple whilst cleansing the body and mind.

Fundraising Bazaar

With delicious homemade vegetarian food made with love and care, they take part in the fundraising bazaar to raise funds for temple construction.

Annual Pilgrimage Event

With one prostration every three steps, a sea of negative karma can be eliminated; by serving the public, positive affinities can be created with all.

Bathing the Buddha Ceremony

With utmost respect and sincerity, they bathe the Buddha, cultivating blessings as well.

Offering to the Buddha

With flowers, candles, and fruits etc., they make the offering to the Buddha with the utmost respect and sincerity, praying for world peace.

Offering to the Sangha Event

On July 15th, they sincerely make offerings to the Sangha, also singing songs to praise the Sangha, and transferring merits to their parents, past and present.

Review of Performances

During internal events, the Female Buddhist Youths perform Buddhist songs, or plays and skits, showcasing the knowledge of Buddhism and vitality of youths. At the same time, they show appreciation and thank the teachings and guidance of the Masters and teachers, and support of the volunteers.

Outdoor Activities

From time to time, they organize outdoor activities for physical fitness and teambuilding.

Community service

Every autumn, they go out to rake the leaves around the neighborhood as a way to give back to the community.

Seniors Day Event

They visit a local senior home to perform, wishing them a bountiful year ahead, with compassion and warmth.